Post Election Response

This is my Post-election response project for this project I had to think of the president's duties and determine the most important one. I said his/her most important job is to make sure that there is balance and equality for all people. The prompt for this piece was this: Mr. president-elect, please... I had to finish this sentence, and then make my art based off of it. I chose to make my project based on equality and how our country is in a moment of fragility when it comes to this. In my piece, there is a Jenga tower that is falling. It has phrases that indicate equality, but they are coming crashing down. There is a white background and a blue and red checkered floor. Around the border, there is a black jagged design creeping into the image. The man in the image is our new president-elect, Donald Trump. What I am trying to convey with this project is that this is a possible unwanted future, where our president destroys what we have worked for, for so long. I am also saying that I hope that this does not happen and that he is able to grant the wish of equality for all.

To begin this project I had to find a way to convey my message in a single image. It was difficult coming up with an idea but I eventually decided on this one. I came up with it through discussing ideas with my friends. After I decided on the idea, I had to get to work. I chose to use a medium sized piece of drawing paper to do my project on. Since I was doing a cartoon-like drawing, I thought a good material would be sharpie. I started out by drawing the Jenga blocks in pencil. I measured them all to make sure they were equal in size. Then I outlined them in black sharpie and drew the phrases in them. After this, I colored them in with yellow. Next, I drew Trump. First, I used graphite, then I used sharpie to color him in. Next, I colored in the floor with marker. Finally, I cut down the page so it wasn't so big, and then I did the border with black sharpie.

I chose to draw this image because I am very passionate about equality, and with the new president-elect I am worried about our country's future. I wanted to convey this message in an image and I think I did it successfully. I think the most successful part of my project was trump's cartoon character-- I really like how it turned out and how accurate to life it is. I think I would add words to the image to better show the meaning, something along the lines of "an unwanted future." Overall, I am very happy with how my project turned out.