11. Mandala

This is the mandala project. The goal of this project was to make a colorful mandala for the new wing of the high school. There were three sizes I could choose from to make a mandala, and I chose the medium size. Then I decided on a design. To do this, I sketched on a piece of paper until I got the one I wanted. After this I traced it on the wooden circle. Then I painted the whole thing in yellow as a base color. After this, I began the painting of the mandala. To start, I had to chose what colors I wanted. I thought that blue and orange would be good complements for each other, so I started with those. Then I used red and purple. The inside was finished. Following that, I completed the rings on the outside.

I chose this design for a couple reasons. I really liked the unity of it, and how the colors had contrast. I also chose to have the design set at an angle, not starting at 0°. I did becasue I wanted to do something original and unique and I felt this would be just that. I think I mixed paint very well to create bright vibrant colors where I wanted them. If I could go back I would do another coat of blue on the outside so that it would look more finished and I would've made sure that the design is completely proportionate because some of it isn't.