Photography II


This class, Photography 2 was built off of Photography 1, and is that step up with using more creative ideals, rather than just the basics. Q3 and Q4 was seperated into two; Q3 was focused on digital photography. Q4 was focused on film photography such as dark room processes, altered forms to prints, etc. During Q3, I had a lot of fun taking images. I notice that I wanted to step out of how I normally take pictures, and go into more of the creative pool of taking images which was a good experience for me. I liked how these projects were different than normal photography, which made it even more of a fun expierence to be able to jump into something you wouldn't normally take. During Q4, was film. I had a lot of perserverence through these assignments, and gained a lot of patience for all that was done. It was hard to come back into the darkroom, knowing that it's been about a year since I have experienced the flow and how things are done. I also really liked how these projects were different and they allowed you to step out of the box. I also learned many new altered processes that could be used for film. Overall, I really enjoyed this class, and how it was able to make me step out of my comfort zone with taking images. My work shows how I've improved because of how I take feedback of what I did wrong or what could be stronger. For example, one of the projects would be strong then the next would be a little less stronger than the previous; I would work harder on the next project to make it fit the required criteria. Ive also noticed at the beginning of film, now to the end of film that my work got better. I was able to get back into the flow of the dark room and produce successful prints, and again, what met the criteria. I also had gotten more confident in my work as I worked harder to create better prints, although, there were some struggles along the way. One thing that I would say was most challenging was definetly how Film is much faster paced than Digital was. A lot of perserverance happened, and a lot of patience was gained from Q4. One of the most challenging things that happened was when my 'Man-Made' roll didn't come out and I had to redo it again. I was able to salvage negatives from this project, and complete it which showed my perserverance, as well as my work ethic. Also, a lot of little things during Film caused frustration such as a print not coming out, having to repeat a process twice, but it happened a lot during this class but the journey was rewarding for the final product. I am most proud of my Q3 work a lot more than my Q4 work. I am, obviously, more familiar with digital cameras and their processes rather than film. I believe that I was able to be more creative with Digital work than I was Film work- due to not being able to see what your image could look like when capturing images on a film camera. I also was proud of some of my film work, but not all of it. I think that my work shows my strengths and weaknesses as a learner because I tend to make the same mistake, and as well as smaller ones across each project. This shows that I tend to go too quick just to get it over with. Some of my strengths as a learner that my work shows is how I can perservere in certain situations, like the few mishaps that happened in Film. Overall, I think strengths and weaknesses can say a lot about how someone learns, and for me, I think it definitely takes me a few times to get something right.