
Artist Statement

The subject of my image is my hand. In this image, I wanted to incorporate landscape in some way. I decided to add something tropical. I had added the palm leaves, palm grass, and a palm tree. I had started off with the original image but edited to make it seem as if it was a sunny, yellow hue. My hand is reaching for the leaves as if I was entering this sacred, private beach. I chose to create this specific image because it was if you were looking through to this beach you had stumbled across. I decided to use the leaves as a frame as well as balance to the grass at the bottom, and the palm tree in the middle. This work is composed like this to add the perspective of you looking through the leaves. Some compositions in this image are high key lighting; the sunny hue adds brightness to the image to impersonate the actual sun. Framing is also used in this to show the background trees, as well as high horizon line to the trees and sky through the windows. This image had evolved because I had tried out other images before deciding on this. The others didn’t relate to what I was trying to portray which made it less thought-provoking. The meaning behind this image was to create the curiousness that people tend to have, and how possibly traveling to new spots helps you to find hidden gems that you make your favorite spot to go to. This relates to my life because I like being able to find new spots, especially here in Maine, because there are so many hidden/undiscovered spots which make it more special when going to them. The only thing I would have added to this was some type of water to add more of a tropical vibe.