Complimentary Color

Artist Statement

The subject of this image is me/the purple coat. I created this image by taking a picture of me in front of a white wall, and using Photoshop to add yellow to compliment the purple of my coat. To add detail, I took a [deeper] yellow mandala and put it in the corners. These help to add color and balence as well. In my orginial image, soft focus can be found in the whole image due to the flash. Rule of thirds can also be found in this image, because the bottom right third has a mandala in it, as well as the top left third. Rule of thirds is also showcased, with me being in the center of the image. Formal balance is also used. I didn't change anything about this image. The meaning behind this image is that you are getting ready for a certain trip you are about to embark on. This image relates to my life because I get cold really easily, and I am always wearing a sweatshirt or coat, even if it's really hot. One thing that bothers me is how distinct the lines around the subject is. If i were to redo this, I would blend out the lines.