Still Life

Artist Statement

The subject of this image is a plant. The setting is a brown rug. This image was made by first, taking the picture at a downward angle.Then, editing the picture. To edit this picture, I first, made the shadows deeper to create a rustic, brown tone. I also added a red light leak which adds accents to the red found in the plant. I utilized the sun, as I prefer natural light, especially for plant images. I chose to create this image because I love plants, and how they look in images. I also think the different mix of succulents and cactuses add texture to the images as the rug in the background. Some of the composition rules in this image is soft focus, which is throughout the whole image. You can still see everything, but there is a slight fade. Informal balance is also a technique showcased in this image. The plant is off to one side which draws the eye everywhere, and also lets you see the background more. I didn't change anything about this image. The meaning behind this image is that, no matter what, we are still growing and learning to benefit the future. Plants still grow and adapt, even if the surroundings aren't. This image relates to my life because I love plants, and how they are tranquil. One thing that bothers me is how the plant isn't fully center.