Unique Lighting

Artist Statement

The subject of this image is a star-light. The setting is a simple background. This image was made by, first, taking it while the camera was out of focus. Next, I, then, made this image selective color, and left all of the cutouts illuminated, while the rest of the image is in black & white. I chose to create this image using principles/elements of design such as color; the focus of the image to be on the pieces of light and pattern; to create a shape using the pieces of light. Some of the compostion techiques in this image was soft focus, which is showcased throughout the entire image. Nothing of this image was changed. The meaning behind this image is to always stay positive even if you're feeling negative. The light will always shine through, and everything will be better. This image can relate to my life because I tend to be blind of positivity, and I leave my focus on the negative. If I could change one thing, I'd want to make the image focused to see the difference, and if the image is still categorized in 'unique lighting.'