



Artist Statement:

For this assignment, we had to take images using models (not ourselves). At least 2 of these images had to follow certain criteria, for example:

  • Use pattern – Use a patterned backdrop, accessories, clothing, blankets, scarves, etc. to bring excitement and contrast into your photos.
  • Backlight your subject – Have your model face away from the sun (for example: use early morning light, sunset lighting, or window light behind your subject).

After we had completed taking images, we had to follow the development process for images:

  • Grab 16 oz (or 8 oz for one) of each in containers
  • About 9 minutes saturated in the development (50 seconds resting and 10 seconds shake)

Dump the development back in container

  • 1 minute agitation in the stop (constant shake)

Dump the stop back in container

  • About 30 seconds to 5 minutes in the fix (resting and shake)

Dump fix back in container

  • FIll with water
  • Wetting Agent (30 seconds)
  • Cold water rinse (5 minutes)
  • Take out and observe
  • Clean up supplies
  • put in drying cabinet for 10-15 minutes or until dry

After processing, you'd need to cut the negatives, and put them into a clear file. Then, make a contact sheet which is basically an overview of the negatives. After that you would decide which negative you'd want to make a print with (5x7 or 8x10). Expose it for whatever looks the best on the test strip (not white or light, but just right where you can see everything). Now, process it:

  • develop for 1 minute
  • water rinse for 5 seconds
  • stop for 10 seconds
  • water rinse for 5 seconds
  • fix for 1-2 minutes
  • rinse for 10 minutes
  • squeegee
  • dry for 10-15 minutes (or until dry)

For my first print, I took an image of my model Rylee leaning up againest the brick wall. This image is my favorite and my most succussful print in my opinion as it was exposed for the right amount of time. My favorite is how this is also a leading line image with the brick. Some struggles was the test strip, but overall it was really good to process. For my second print, I took an image of Rylee through the railing in the FPAC. I liked how this turned out, but I feel like it came out a bit dark. This print while processing was very easy and seemed to go smoothly. Both turned out well and I think it was a successful assignment. I didn't really have any struggles except for the test strips, and if you look at the first print, a little bit of white is on her mouth. For my third print, I decided to do this one for fun. This print turned out the best out of all of them. It exposed beautifully, and was very easy to develop. I had Rylee lay on the table with her blanket and tried to experiment with different angles of the camera. The borders were perfect for this and they were aligned which what I struggled with mostly while making these prints. I also used glossy paper instead of the semi-matte paper which was my mistake.