
Artist Statement

The subject for this image is tree branches. This image was made by processing it to be a cyanotype; which generally is putting the image onto fabric using sunlight or a light box. I chose to create this image because I love the look of branches and how mysterious they can be. In this image, I used some design elements; I used the branches as lines, which is showcased throughout the image. For this image, I decided to use some compositional techniques such as silhouette lighting because of how the branches are backlit by the sky. I didn't change anything about this image. The meaning of this image is how it represents life, through the different branches. This image relates to my life because I like tree photography. If I could change one thing, I would have used the piece of glass that was clear, rather than the one with stains on it. It affected the final product which is something to avoid if I were to do this next time.