Love Is...

Artist Statement

The subject of this image is my lizard. There is no specific setting; just a black background. I created this image with no vision in mind, she was just on my leg and I liked how she was placed. I had used selective color; everything but the lizard is black and white. I, then, edited the image with a purple tint which adds a pop of color. I also had darkened the background to have the main focus be on her. I had used selective focus, you can’t really tell in the final image but you could in the original. You can find this composition in the background as most of the focus is on the lizard. I had also made the angle faced down a bit with the camera to capture her placement. My project had evolved by me wanting to incorporate some kind of landscape or nature piece to the image to contribute to my concentration. I tried to add a grassland, as that is where lizards orginate from. I wanted to add it into the background, but it just looked weird. I had also tried to add a flower to go with the purple coloring, but I also didn’t like how it looked so I decided to keep it simple instead. There isn’t any meaning behind this image, I just liked how it looked. This image relates to my life because ever since a few years ago I’ve been surrounded by lizards, and I’ve grown my knowledge on leopard geckos, specifically. I think this image could be stronger if it had a landscape aspect to it. It would actually fit into my concentration, which I lacked in this image.