Family Dynamics

Artist Statement

The subject of this image is my mom. The setting is our backyard at my house, with her on the swing. This image was made by first processing it normally, then using photo markers to tint the image and add color back. I chose to create this image because the swingset was big part of our family, and allowed us create many memories. I used some elements of design in this image such as color; this can be found on her jacket. Some composition techiques I used were rule of thirds; nothing in 1/3, my mom in 2/3 and a addition to the swing set in 3/3. This project evolved by adding color back into the image after processing it to be black and white. The meaning behind this image is how my mom is always playful. She is very easy-going and that's why I love her. This image relates to my life because of how my mom is always joking around with me, which makes it really easy to be around her. One thing that now bothers me about this image is how awkward the yellow looks; I wish it was a little bit toned down, or maybe not add it at all next time.