Final Reflection & Critique

I am most proud of this image because it was one of the best developed images I have produced this class. The contrast is just right. The borders are perfectly placed, and the image is centered. I learned from doing this project that developing these images is trial and error. The basics of Traditional Photography is learning how to make these prints as best as you can. Some of these prints will be better than others, and some will be the worst you've developed. In order for these prints to develop well, you have to go through many obstacles. You have to apply all of the criteria you've learned about developing images while you are doing this process. This class has helped me to view Photography better because it allows me to apply more creativity when taking images by thinking about the 18 compositional techiniques. It also has allowed me to have a better eye when taking images, deciding what I want the message to be, and how I want the image to be appealing. For recommedations to improve the class; I would say at the beginning while doing Digital Photography, we didn't have much time to take images, and I sometimes felt rushed and didn't produce the best images I could have.

Frank Hovart. Shoe and Eiffel Tower, 1974

In the foreground, you have a person wearing high heels. In the background, you have the Eiffel Tower which is to the right, In the center of the image, you have a man that is in the border of the heel that is walking. To the left, there is a place with a small statue which is next to the Eiffel Tower. This image could be multiple of the 18 compositions. In this image, there is a little bit of leading line, selective focus, close distance, informal balence, and framing. The photographer is trying to send a message through the image that says this person is walking. The photographer could also be saying that the person likes fashion, and clothing pieces. I think this image is successful because it shows a few of the photographic compostions in a new form. For example, it shows framing in a new way, thats not just through a window or sunglasses, which is what you typically see when looking at this kind of image. I also think this image is successful because of the way the shoes are placed, because it adds a creative view and new take on the photographic compositions.