Week ending: Friday 24th February 2023

Dear Families,

Welcome back Reception, we hope you had a lovely half term break with your families. This week we have been looking at a different contrasting country - Burkina Faso in Africa. We read the story of The Water Princess and learnt how the character Georgie, walked each day to collect water for her family. We looked at Georgie’s daily routine and compared with ours, described Georgie and learnt about her country and village. We also explored our new role play area on Safari in Africa, made African inspired jewellery and used watercolours to create the African sunset. In maths, we are learning about the teen numbers 11 - 15 and explored the place value of these numbers.  Thank you to those families who joined us for our Reading Family Friday event! A great start to the half term!

Best wishes from the Reception Team

Our Book this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the story with your child, then ask them the suggested questions.

What is Georgie?

What is Georgie's village called? 

Where are Georgie and her mother going?

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Our Words this week

We have learnt the words below this week. Can you ask your child the suggested questions to encourage them to use the words in a sentence?


What country do you live in?


Can you talk about what Africa is like?


How does Georgie's charity help others?

Our Maths Learning this week

We have been learning how to count and represent teen numbers from 10-15. We used numicon, cubes and part whole method to help us count. We know every teen number has a 10 and we practised counting on from 10 to recognise each number. 

Our Phonics Learning this week

Practise the sounds we have learnt this week with your child by clicking on the pictures below. The more opportunities they have to see, hear and say the sounds, the more likely they are to stick. The videos will teach you too! Then practise learning to blend with Fred talk.

Fred Talk games

Activities to try at home this weekend

Try out one or both of these activities with your child this weekend. Please send us any photos you take or bring your child's learning into school - we'd love to see them!

Counting up to 15

Practise counting forwards and backwards from 0 - 15. 

You can count out amounts, jumps, claps, clicks, anything!

Challenge: Can you write out the numbers in order? 

Can you represent the numbers using two ten frames?

Daily routine

This week, we have been looking at Georgie's daily routine in our story The Water Princess and comparing to our own.

Can you draw out pictures to show your daily routine? Use your sounds to label each picture with a short caption. 

E.g. I wake up.   I brush my teeth.


School bag

Please ensure your child brings in a school bag. It is important for them to take new reading books, letters and anything made home each day. Next week, we will be sending home new book bag wallets and new reading books which will be changed every Wednesday. Please make sure you return the books on this day each week to recieve a new one!

Home learning

It is really important to complete the home learning tasks with your child, this helps to consolidate learning in school and enables you to see how we teach the children! Please make sure to read with your child and have a go at the home learning activities, if you want to bring in any work you have done, Miss Dickinson would be thrilled to see it and tokens will be rewarded!


Just a reminder that PE is on Wednesdays. Children can come to school in their kits and trainers and stay in these for the day. Thank you!

School Closure- Thursday

Due to the national teaching strikes, school will be closed on Thursday 2nd March. If you would like to collect a free school meal for this day, please let the office know by Monday!

World Book Day- Friday

Next Friday 3rd March, we will be celebrating World Book Day. Please come to school dressed up as your favourite book /story character and bring in your favourite book from home! 

Gallery of this week's learning

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 020 7253 9469 or email the team via tfoffice@newwaveferation.co.uk