Week ending: Friday 3rd May 2024

Dear Families,

It's been a busy and short past two weeks! The children have really enjoyed celebrating Eid and learning about  Ramadan over the past two weeks

This week, we began learning about our local community, the people who live and work around us and how they help the local area. We spoke about different occupations and discussed what we would like to be when we grew up. We also learnt about the emergency services and how we can contact them when we need help. We made fire fighter collages, police badges, matched occupations to workplaces, role played in the small world town and our Dentist, Shop or Vets. We even made our own Stew just like our story "Thank You Omu".  In maths, the children have been recapping number bonds to 10 and teen numbers. Please practise counting and recognising numbers to 20 at home!  Please also make sure you are reading with your child and encouraging as much reading practice with your child at home!

 Please let us know if you need a new book bag and make sure to return them every Monday so they can be changed and updated. 

A reminder that Monday is a bank holiday. We will see you Tuesday morning. 

Have a lovely long weekend. 

Best wishes from the Reception Team

Our Book this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the story with your child, then ask them the suggested questions.

Who tastes Omu's stew?

Who helps us in our community?

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Our Words this week

We have learnt the words below this week. Can you ask your child the suggested questions to encourage them to use the words in a sentence?

Our Maths Learning this week

This week, we have been learning about number patterns and recapping teen numbers. We practised counting and representing numbers to 20. We created our own teen number line. 

Can you count to 20? 

Can you recognise teen numbers out of order?

Can you make a teen numberline?

Our Phonics Learning this week

Practise the sounds we have learnt this week with your child by clicking on the pictures below. The more opportunities they have to see, hear and say the sounds, the more likely they are to stick. The videos will teach you too! Then practise reading the green words. Can you write any?

Ms Parenti's Group

Practise blending videos here.

Ms Owusu's Group

Ms Dickinson's & Curnow's Group

Ms Harvey's Group

Ms Kelly's Group

Activities to try at home this weekend

Try out one or both of these activities with your child this weekend. Please send us any photos you take or bring your child's learning into school - we'd love to see them!

Name writing

Can you write your name? Can you make sure you are not writing it in capital letters?

Our Local Community

We have been learning about different occupations and people who help us around our community.

Can you spot any police officers, fire fighters, doctors?

Can you find any emergency vehicles?


Gallery of this week's learning

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 020 7253 9469 or email the team via tfoffice@newwaveferation.co.uk