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C. Wright Mills & the Sociological Imagination

In his work, The Sociological Imagination (1959), American sociologist C. Wright Mills argued that elitist attitudes amongst sociology scholars at the time compromised the responsibility that they had to the general public and hindered their ability to understand "personal troubles" within the context of "public issues" (Crossman, 2019). This, as Mills saw, was the crux of the sociological imagination: to be able to garner a perspective that encompasses individual experience in relation to the surrounding environment. Thus, granting sociologists a deeper understanding of the social issues within the historical context at the time. Mills also pushed for a more inclusive approach of the social sciences (anthropology, economics, geography, political science, and psychology) within the sociological research process, which would combine disciplines and result in a greater understanding of human behavior within society. 

Source: Crossman, Ashley. 2019. "Definition of the Sociological Imagination and Overview of the Book". Retrieved September 6, 2022.

The Role of a Sociologist 

Sociologists are often perceived as being hypercritical of the institutions and political sphere of American society. Through some refinement however, the role of a sociologist is to observe and identify the economic, political, and social inequalities that negatively impact the quality of life for individuals and groups using a variety of scientific research methods (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods) in order to describe, explain, and explore the issue on a macro and or micro level. In addition, the role of a sociologist should be to provide individuals and groups with a list of resources that they might desperately need. As sociologists, it is imperative that one's work be focused toward the overall betterment of society. For example, think about one social issue that might plague your community. 

How might sociologists approach this issue? 

How might you, as an individual, develop your sociological imagination to help your family, friends, and community members in need?

Source: Marger, Martin. 2013. "An Introduction to the Study of Social Inequality." Pp. 1-25 in Social Inequality: Patterns and Processes. 6th ed. McGraw Hill; Mountain View, CA. 

Macro Theories in Perspective

Under conflict theory,  

Understanding The Housing Crisis in Fresno, CA

"Housing is absolutely essential to human flourishing. Without stable shelter, it all falls apart." - Matthew Desmond, American sociologist

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States and respectively, the state of California, was experiencing a dramatic rise in the cost of housing. In the city of Fresno, evictions were increasing at an alarming rate and while help was available for residents already in poverty, many of them were not aware of the resources available. To make matters worse, the applications required to be considered for legal services were confusing to most, and before residents could hear back, eviction notices were already in place. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated the housing crises with many displaced families taking shelter on the edge of Highway 99. 

Why is the cost of housing increasing? 

In the state of California, renters lack basic protections and are not guaranteed safe and affordable housing. Even more, there are limited policies in place that prioritize the rights of renters over the rights of landlords. Below are the key components to fair housing policies that the residents of Fresno currently do not have:

Local Rent Control - Fresno CIty Council and landlords oppose rent control, stating that it would "negatively affect Fresno's housing issues". 

Rents Caps - Fresno City Council and landlords oppose  limitations to rent increases 

Vacancy Decontrol - Fresno CIty Council and landlords oppose regulation of price increases during vacancies

Just Cause Eviction  - Fresno City Council and landlords oppose protections for renters who might be unjustly evicted


#SaveTrailsEnd: America's Last Affordable Housing Is Under Threat

"Across the US, corporate buyers are purchasing mobile home parks and driving up rents for those on the brink of being homeless. VICE News went to Fresno, California, where one such company is attempting to buy a park called Trails End, and residents fear the worst." -- VICE News 

Becoming Familiar With the Resources Available to You 

Often times, information is not easily accessible for students who might be facing difficulties outside the classroom. In this section you will find a list of resources that you, as a student, might need.



Medical Resources:

Counseling Resources:

Wellness Resources:

Additional Resources: