Math 111

Math 111 Video Playlist

A collection of youtube videos coordinated with the textbook. The videos provide you opportunities to check your knowledge or sharpen your understanding. Courtesy of Doctor Kelm. 

Link to Overleaf

If you can't download a LaTex complier onto your device, Overleaf complies as you go on your browser 

Supplemental material to your course contains examples that you may not have seen in class, but help develop your skills.

Math 111 Proof Worksheet.pdf

Tips for Writing Proofs

We have four different techniques that we use to approach a problem. Those are:

In addition to those, we may also have equivalence statements, meaning that we have to prove both directions. It can sometimes be difficult to determine which technique to use on a given problem, so below are a few tips from our Math 111 tutors. 

What do you do first when you look at a problem?

How do you know when to use a direct proof?

How do you know when to use a proof by contrapositive?

How do you know when to use a proof by contradiction?

How do you know when to use a proof by induction?

What else do you recommend when trying to prove things?

The only way to get better at writing proofs is to practice. Attached is a worksheet with problems using all four techniques. For each problem, identify which proof technique you would use, then try to prove it. Good luck!

Textbook Resource:

Hammack, Richard, The Book of Proof

The above textbook is widely used in Math 111 courses at Fresno State. It is easy-to-read and offers many great examples and exercises regarding the different proof techniques all while gradually building a strong foundation for proof-writing. 

September 2022