Lab Reports

Most Lab courses consist of writing a Lab Report for each corresponding Lab practice or assignment. There are two Particular Lab Reports formats in which you may encounter during your STEM related courses on campus. Formal/Memo & Easy Reports. 

FOrmal Lab/Memo Report

This is the most standard and common lab report style student will encounter in courses such as Chemistry, Biology, and Physics. 

The Basic Format Consists of: 

Title, Introduction, Procedure, Results & Discussion, Conclusion, and an Appendix. 

Each section, with its corresponding information and explanation to demonstrate the process and outcome of the experiment. Any reclusive details or photos can be listed within the Appendix for the reader's reference. 

Easy Report

This one depends more on your Major and the Professor requesting this format. This style of Lab report is more direct and straight forward. You are simply required to put your Name, Course, Due Date along with your direct and final results onto the paper with the corresponding identification to explain what your result is.