
Types of Papers

Rhetorical Analysis

Need Assistance with Writing and Structuring a Rhetorical Analysis? Look no Further than Coach Hall Writes' video on Rhetorical Analysis. In this video you'll find information regarding "What is a Rhetorical Analysis?", How to prepare and Annotate passages in your sources, along with Outlining your paper with some examples and tips and tricks to keep in mind during your writing process.

Uploaded by Vincent Yang: 4/22/24

Book Review

If you are interested in learning what tricks you can learn to take your book reviews to the next level, you've found the tutorial for you. In this video, you'll find tips for writing a book review that will stand out. Going from the introduction to the conclusion, this is the ultimate guide every college student should follow to write top-quality book reviews.

Uploaded 5/1/24

Research Paper

Need assistance with writing a research paper? This link can help! The video "How to Outline and Write a Research Paper: A Step-by-Step Guide," posted by Ms. Peer Editor, delves into the steps of preparing for this type of paper, offering tips on how to write a good thesis statement while focusing on the research process, planning, and completing an outline.

Business Report

Need assistance with writing a business report? This link can help! In the video, "How to Write a Business Report," by the University of Sunshine Coast, details are provided step-by-step on how to write one! Remember, practice makes perfect, and stay motivated with this video!


Try to do background research before brainstorming for a prompt/topic you know little about. Once you get a better idea about what you need to write about, brainstorming becomes much easier. Google is your friend! 

Begin to roughly think of ideas that you can build upon for your writing. Spontaneously producing ideas and concepts can help increase creativity and broaden perspectives for future writing assignments. 

Examples include listing, mapping, free writing, and researching.

Brainstorming Techniques 

Mind Mapping: 



Created by: Gurleen Chahal (Monthly Project February 2018)

Here are two videos to help you with invention, prewriting, and brainstorming:

Generating Ideas to Jump-Start Your Paper!

How to Get Started on Your Essay (Brainstorming) 

Shared by: Brainstorming - Keely Ryan, Danny Ashley, and Haley Chapman (Monthly Project) 9/11/17 

Automated Brainstorming


The Henry Madden Library offers an excellent resource for finding literature that can be used to support and expand your writing. 'Credo Reference' is an online reference search tool that allows students the ability to find content specific information amongst millions of articles. Students may utilize this tool in order to brainstorm relevant information and ideas for their papers.  

How to Use Credo:

1. Go to the Fresno State Library main page.

2. Select 'A-Z List' under "Databases.'

3. Locate and select "Credo Reference.'

4. Type in concise phrases relevant to your topic of interest into the search bar.


What is an Outline? 

Many students are familiar with outlines from any speeches they may have made in their communication classes, but many don't realize that outlining can be just as helpful (if not more so) when they write their papers! There are four main components to an effective outline: 

1. Parallelism: This just means preserving parallel structure from heading to heading. Ideally, if your first word is a verb in heading 1, so should be your first word in heading 2.


2. Coordination: Each heading should hold equal weight. So, all of your major headings should hold information of equal significance as each other. Similarly, all of your subheadings should hold equal weight as well (which should be less than your major headings).


3. Subordination: Your major headings should contain more general information, while your subheadings should contain more specific information.


4. Division: Each major heading should be subdivided into at least two parts (denoted by the use of subheadings)


(This heading is divided into three different parts)

WHY and HOW Should I Outline?

Outlining can be helpful to keep track of lots of information, particularly when you are writing long research papers. In addition, outlines can be helpful when trying to plan and organize speeches. 

To create an effective outline, you must first determine the purpose and audience of your paper or speech. Then, after conducting preliminary research, develop a strong thesis statement. Once you have this, you can move on to brainstorming, organizing, putting your information in order, and finally adding labels!

Click here for more information: Basic Outline for a 5-Paragraph Essay