Child Development

Developmental Theories

Attachment Theory

Construction of Knowledge


Theory of Cognitive Development


Psychosocial Theory

Basic Trust v. Basic Mistrust (birth - 1 year)

Autonomy v. Shame & Doubt (2 - 3 years)

Initiative v. Guilt (4 - 5 years)

Industry v. Inferiority (6 - puberty)

Identity & Repudiation v. Identity Diffusion (adolescence)

Intimacy & Solidarity v. Isolation (young adulthood)

Generatively v. Stagnation & Self-Absorption (middle adulthood)

Integrity v. Despair (late adulthood)


Sociocultural Theory

Information Processing Theory


Social Learning Theory


Ecological Systems Theory

Views child development as a complex system of relationships affected by multiple levels of the surrounding environment, from immediate settings of family and school to broad cultural values, laws, and customs.

Oedipus Complex: attachment to one parent while fostering envy and aggression toward the other (develops in Phallic Stage [3-5 years])


Psychoanalytic Theory

Early Childhood (0-3)

Cognitive Development

The development of children's ability to think and reason

Things to know and study:

Social-Emotional Development

The development of children's understanding of who they are, what they feel, and relationships with others

Things to know and study:

Physical Development

The overall growth and development of children's bodies, motor skills (gross and fine), muscle, and brain

Things to know and study:

APA Format (7th Edition)

Something we all have to do but aren't always sure how...

Below are some examples of a title page, reference page, and what each heading means. A link to the official APA-style website is embedded, PLEASE look at it for reference.

STUDENT Title Page example

This is the version you will use in class unless the professor asks for something different or gives another example

Heading Formats

Journal Article Reference example

This is an example of an academic article being referenced if you need to reference any other type of source, look at the APA website for examples

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