Need help? Come see us in the Learning Center and we can help you learn these concepts as well as help you improve your study skills by introducing new ways of learning!

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Do you find yourself asking, "Okay, but why is this even important? Will it be on the exams?" 

Well, as a Fresno State Anatomy & Physiology Student, you have the benefit of having tutors that specialize in this course and already took it with the same professor! This being said, the content being highlighted are definitely concepts that are important to know and will carry on throughout the remainder of 67A and into 67B. By mastering these concepts, you'll make future exams and concepts a little bit easier to understand! 

Cellular Communication

Uploaded by Jenna 1/24/18 

Check out this worksheet created for the cellular communication lecture! It focuses on the following: 

Cellular Communication Worksheet

Check out part of the online session on G-proteins!

Check out a quick video that highlights the GPCR- beta gamma subunit that students and a BIOL 67A tutor went over during an online session. 

Updated 2/6/2023 by Noreen

Here are some graphics that can help differentiate between the GPCR alpha and beta-gamma subunits

 Shared 3/12/24 by Noreen

Histology Overview

Why it matters: These videos breakdown the confusing parts about histology and summarize main points that are beneficial to understanding this material. 

If you dislike learning histology through the lab manual alone, this video is a great way to learn the tissues. By actually visualizing it in the same way it will appear on the test, your chances of receiving an awesome lab exam grade will be higher. It is 43 minutes long, but there are 1440 minutes in a day, so this is practically nothing. 

This playlist has multiple videos that you can review and test your knowledge on epitheliums, connective tissue, and other basic histology.

This link will take you to a website that provides quality images of various tissues and lists what makes each one unique so that you are able to pick it out on a test. Also check out the videos below for an overview of what you may be expected to know on an exam.

The Integumentary System 

Why it matters: The integumentary system is our largest organ!! Watching these videos will give you some main points and facts that will help you understand this system a little more. 

This video highlights the layers of the integument as well as the cells that play roles in the skin. 

Study tip: note the different layers of cells that make up the skin

This video highlights the functions of the integument as well as the glands that are in the skin. 

Study tip: note the different glands and what their secretions are.

Shared by Jenna 8/23/17

"I watched the videos, should I still go to see a tutor??"  YES! Tutoring is always a smart choice! Even if you think you know the material already, a tutor can still benefit you!! Remember, the videos are just a study tool, but a tutor has already taken the course. Tutors can quiz you, or go over other concepts of the integumentary system when you come in! 

In this video, descriptions of the four primary tissues and functions are given. It also mentions there is no structure without a function which is an essential concept in A&P.

This video highlights properties of tissue categories. It also describes embryonic tissue development, as well as different cells in the body.

This video talks about epithelial tissues and the subcategories within. It describes connective tissues as well as functions for each. 

This video focuses on subcategories of connective tissue and their functions. Pictures are shown as well as examples of distinctive characteristics of the tissues.

"Okay, I watched the videos. I think that is sufficient enough to go off of for the exams." FALSE. After watching the videos, it will just briefly give you some information and summaries of what you should understand. However, coming to see a tutor can improve and build-on this information. Last semester, tutors walked through each tissue, location, and function AND even used drawings to grasp what the shape, size, and characteristics of a tissue were! So come in to get a better understanding! 

Skeletal System: 

The trickiest bones to side: patella and the fibula

Why does it matter? 99.9% chance of having these two bones on your lab exam!!! So knowing how to side these will guarantee you these questions correct... So, are you thinking, "Well, yeah but that's only two questions." When it comes to lab and lecture exams, a single question can get you to the next letter grade! Take the exam question by question, and knowing two is better than none!

The videos below are good references to watch if you are having trouble siding! 

Shared by Jenna 10/4/17

"So, I watched these videos but I still don't know how to do it myself... and I don't have any open labs for a while".... Okay, this is an easy fix!! Come into the Learning Center and ask a tutor to go over the siding techniques with you. Don't worry, you're not the only one struggling! Everyone is. A tutor will help you and give you techniques on how they figured it out... And, if you're really lucky, a bone box might be available to even practice with!!

Monthly Project- Jenna & Melissa 2/28/18

Nervous System

Check out these videos of a Biol 67A/B tutor walking through some Nervous System Physiology that's covered in a Nervous System Worksheet! The Worksheet is below

Concepts covered:

Shared by Jenna on 11/14/17

Nervous System Worksheet

Nervous System Worksheet

This worksheet focuses on:

Neuron Action Potential

Here is a video covering the conductions of action potentials in a neuron

Take the Nervous System : ANS Quiz!

Updated by Jenna 03/21/2018

Shared by Jenna (Monthly project 11/3/17)

Myth: Chemistry and Intro Bio/MicroBio are complete, so you can forget the concepts.

Anatomy & Physiology can be seen as a "piggy-back" course... meaning, you must be able to "piggy-back" new information from this course on top of the information you already learned from other courses! The basic knowledge you learned in Chemistry and Biology is reapplied and added to in this class... It just gets more complex from here! 

Atoms, Ions & Molecules Review

Wondering why it matters??? Reactions between elements lead to three dimensional shape... ANATOMY... which also leads to formation of cations & anions....PHYSIOLOGY... which forms systems of the body 

We must be able to rely on previous knowledge from chemistry to understand how the body works... A good starting point is to recall a few major points:

Biology of the Cell

Thought you could forget about all this microbiology??? It's inescapable!! You'll need the basic knowledge to understand more complex physiology.

To be successful in this section, you will have to recall information from Microbiology or basic biology. 


Flashcards can be helpful for memorizing cell structures and functions. 

Shared by Jenna 8/23/17

Updated on 1/16/2018 by Jenna