Technology Tools

Are you needing some type of technology support for your lesson plans? (Maybe you are taking CI 100?) Look no further! We have gathered all kinds of FREE tools that you can incorporate into your lessons for any subject matter. 

Classroom Integration Tools


PowToon is great for creating videos to introduce yourself, new content, or even just a unit review video to provide students with a video summarizing key points! 


Canva is useful for many projects from Google Slide creations to classroom posters and even presentations! 


NearPod is a tool similar to PowerPoint but fully interactive for students! This tool also sends teachers a summary of student data after lessons which makes it easy to evaluate the success of the lesson and any material that may need to be reviewed. 


This tool is great to give students a brain break and get some extra jitters out during transition times! 


Blooket is awesome for whole class review of vocab words, quizzes, and even homework assignments.

When we think of coding, we often think of the behind-the-scenes stuff in the computer world. With this tool, students can explore technology and get interactive practice as well as create their own brain break DANCE! 

Artificial Intelligence Tools

Below are some of our favorite AI tools and resources. If you're not as familiar with how AI works, we suggest you start by watching this video that explains what AI is and how it is used in our daily lives. If you are comfortable with AI then you can begin to explore the other tools below! 


This AI tool helps students to understand and use Bloom's Taxonomy, specifically critical reasoning and problem-solving. 


Are you stuck trying to understand a state standard? Do you need help organizing a lesson plan? This AI tool is an AMAZING resource for teachers with so many FREE features that make life as a teacher so much easier! 


There are already some linked resources from Learn With AI above but this is an amazing resource to stay in the know about AI resources for teachers!