Amino Acids

Learning the amino acids is an essential part of biochemistry and is used throughout the course. Added by Maizie Lee August 16, 2017.

Goals with the Chemistry tutors:

Activities to do at home:

Functional Groups common in biochemistry 

Goals with the Chemistry tutors:

Activities to do at home:

Monthly Project, Viktor Kunder (chemistry tutor), February 2018

This is one of the most important concepts in biochemistry, Michaelis Menten vs Lineweaver Burk plots, and is worth taking notes. When watching the video answer the following questions:

Water is cool.

1.Solvent properties

•Very good solvent

2.Melting temperature

•Unusually high melting and boiling temp.


•Solid water has lower density than liquid

Hydrogen bonding is an important factor in waters interesting properties.

Comprehension Check

How do proteins fold?

Hydrophobic –R groups fold INTO the protein core (hydrophobic environment), and hydrophilic –R groups are more common on the surface of the protein (hydrophilic environment). Proteins with low hydrophobicity do not fold into a stable structure, but can retain function

Where is p