White Lily Suite
"The Ferrari"
8 Activations in 1 Sitting for Speeds Up To 4G
The White Lily Activation is the "Ferrari" model of Lily Activations. It comes with the following special dispensations from Source:
Safe activation of a completely evolved Kundalini (an extremely rare phenomenon) for a lifetime of trouble-free performance. (Circa 2005)
Activation of a permanent Antahkarana-a direct-line HDTV cable connection to Higher Self and Source; the "express elevator" to the penthouse suite of Nirvana. (Circa 2005)
Activation of the 7x7 Oracle Pyramids switches on the ability to be an oracle through which divine knowledge is revealed. Using the analogy of tall buildings to represent various celestial academies of knowledge, this dispensation enables the truth-seeker to leap tall buildings. (Circa 2005)
Activation of a fully assembled, ready-to-go Merkabah vehicle. Thanks to this dispensation, you don't ever have to re-assemble your Merkaba vehicle with mantras and mudras, or pump it with gas ever again. (Circa 2005)
Activation of the Caudate Nucleus, responsible for extrasensory perception, myriad supernatural abilities and higher consciousness in more evolved man. (Circa 2006)
DNA Activation for hi-speed vertical evolution and horizontal expansion. Click here for more info. (Circa 2008)
Christ-consciousness Activation for the internalization of Christ-consciousness. Meant to aid the aspirant in rapidly attaining Oneness, super-consciousness, cosmic consciousness, Christ-hood, and Universal Brotherly Love. Not intended for use in pursuit of power and vain glory. Click here for more info. (Circa Jan 2009)
Reprieve from Karmic Debt: some of aspirant's karmic debt will be conditionally suspended—on the condition that aspirant does not accrue more Karma—so that aspirant can pay back his karmic debt through compassionate service rather than through intensely negative catalysts.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for the White Lily Activation, the ideal prospect must meet the following pre-requisites:
Readiness to forgive the unforgivable.
This means: (1) forgive all past transgressions, big and small; (2) forgive everyone who has ever hurt, abused, traumatized, and transgressed you (includes forgiving yourself, and God if you are angry at Him); (3) let go of any past hurts, anger, resentment, and grudges; (4) seek forgiveness, atonement, reform, and setting things right for any transgressions you commit in the future.A pledge of commitment to the 1st and 2nd Lily Covenants.
Must apply for the Lily Activation and pass the screening process.
Recommended Reading
We curated the following reading list to help you make an informed decision, and a choice you won't regret. Click on each link for more.
About the Lily Activation
Lilies Who Neither Toil nor Spin touches on "distinguishing marks" and "perfections of deity" that God shares with the Lily-activated.
Covenants of a Lily delineates the lifetime commitments of Lilies to Our Maker.
Top 5 Best Practices of Top Gainers reveals the best practices of those who maximized gains of a Lily Activation.
Questions Answered by The Lily Activator addresses the most frequently asked questions (FAQ).
Testimonials from Lilies (testimonials do not guarantee that you will get typical results).
Lily Activation Genres or Tiers
White Lily Activation Suite - 8 turn-key activations in 1-sitting for speeds up to 4G.
Gold Lily Activation Suite - 16 turn-key activations in 1-sitting for speeds up to 8G.
Platinum Lily Activation Suite - 22 turn-key activations in 1-sitting for speeds up to 12G.
Iridescent Lily Activation Suite - 32 turn-key activations in 1-sitting for speeds up to 36G.
Diamond Lily Activations - 1 to 4 carat activations in 1-sitting for speeds up to 144G (up to warp speed).
Concepts to understand about your Lily Activation
The Beloveds of the Christ Office introduces the saints, ascended masters, angels, bodhisattvas, christos, (anointed ones), lords, and divinities responsible for designing and devising The Lily and Beyond energy system, and then introducing this system on earth to herald the "Age of the Lily."
Chosen explains what "chosen" means for Lilies from the vantage point of God's Love.
Lily Cloud is the "cloud" technology of The Lily and Beyond energy system. This page explains what's in the Lily Cloud, and how Lilies can access it's "cloud support services" for additional training, recalibration, or healing.
Oneness explains what "Oneness Restoration" means, as taught by The Beloveds.
"Thy Will Be Done" explains what surrendering to God's Will means, as taught by The Beloveds.
Prosperity in 11 Breaths so you can be prosperous when you pay or donate.
Prosperous Circulation briefly explains how prosperity works, as taught by The Beloveds.
New Heaven New Earth delineates the future God promises to His Chosen ones.
Esoteric concepts you may want to understand about your Lily Activation (technical stuff)
Opening the 7 Seals of the Book expounds on the seals that are opened in more advanced Lily Activations.
Adam Kadmon Activation explains what "Adam Kadmon" means, and what this activation can do for Lilies.
Ankh of Isis Activation briefly explains the special dispensations of goddess Isis to Lilies.
Antahkarana Activation explains what an activated "antahkarana" can do for Lilies.
Ascension Activation explains what "Ascension" means, and what this activation can do for Lilies.
Caudate Nucleus Activation explains what this organ in the brain can do for Lilies when activated.
Christ-consciousness Activation explains what "Christ-consciousness" means, and what this activation can do for Lilies.
Crown of Buddha Activation explains what this activation can do for Lilies when the "Crown of Buddha" (a golden halo) is activated.
DNA Activation explains what "DNA activation" means in the context of The Lily and Beyond energy system, and what this activation can do for Lilies.
Kundalini Activation explains what "Kundalini" means, and what this activation can do for Lilies.
Merkabah Activation explains what "Merkabah" means, and what this activation can do for Lilies.
Philosopher's Stone & The Great Work of Alchemy explains what "Philosopher's Stone" and "The Great Work" mean, and what this activation can do for Lilies.
Sacred Alchemy: The Science of Miracles explains what "Alchemy" means in the context of The Lily and Beyond energy system, and what this activation can do for Lilies.
Stories of Sacred Alchemy miracles performed through Lilies
Ready for a Lily Activation?
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