Top 5 Best Practices of Our Top Gainers
Patterns that Help You Maximize Results of a Lily Activation
Over the course of 10+ years, we studied hundreds of clients to figure out why some gained more from a Lily Activation than others. We observed that the top gainers exhibited certain patterns BEFORE their Lily Activation, which enabled them to optimize and reap huge gains. We share their TOP 5 best practices here to help you maximize results of a Lily Activation.
The TOP 5 Best Practices of our top gainers are:
- Healthy Ego
Clients with healthy egos gained more from a Lily Activation than those with inflated or damaged egos. Clients with healthy egos had a robust regard for self that was neither inflated nor deflated.
A healthy ego exhibits the transparent attitude that “I am good and I am worthy.”
The inflated ego harbors the pretentious belief that “I am above others” or "I am entitled."
The deflated ego harbors the secret belief that “I am not good enough” or “I am not worthy."
2. Honesty
Clients who were free of deceit towards themselves and others gained more from a Lily Activation. Top gainers didn't lie to themselves about their self-worth, and didn't hide their healthy ego from others.
3. Personification of Virtues
Virtue is defined as neither a deficiency nor excess of a good trait, e.g., possessing neither a deficiency nor excess of honesty. The more virtues a client personifies and embodies, the more gains a client receives from a Lily Activation.
4. Integrity
Integrity is the state of being whole and undivided; marked by consistency of character, obedience to ethics, and personification of virtues. Top gainers of a Lily Activation had high integrity compared to those who arbitrarily practiced ethics and virtues.
5. Forgiveness and Letting Go
A major road block that can surface in a Lily Activation is the inability of a prospect to forgive and let go. The ideal applicant must be ready to forgive the unforgiveable so that the Lily Activation can consummate successfully.
By "forgive" we mean forgive and let go of all resentment, pardon all transgressions committed by you or against you, and surrender all trigger-happy feelings of guilt, hostility, blame, shame, anger, fear, avoidance, etc.) so that you can be forgiven by a just and merciful God.
These are some of the signs that one has indeed forgiven and let go:
➊ The wrongdoer or abuser can no longer trigger you.
➋ You have a "past", but the past no longer has a grip on you.
➌ You are grateful for painful past experiences rather than regretful or resentful.
Top gainers were willing and ready to forgive themselves and others. If they commit a wrongdoing, they readily atone and set things right.
Rather than excuse their wrongdoing, they exhibite a readiness to atone and a willingness to accept atonement from others.
Rather than trivialize the harm they cause to others, they untied the knots that bind offender and offendee, through the ways of mercy and atonement. Hence, no one is held hostage, and they bring this liberation with them to their Lily Activation.
Preparation Tips for a Lily Activation
Observe above TOP 5 Best Practices that have brought huge gains for our best-performing clients.
The Lily Activation can put you in a deep meditative state, which can make you feel sleepy. Get sufficient sleep the night before so that you do not get sleepy, tired, or unfocused during deep meditation.
A Lily Activation is your sacred time with the Creator so dress reverently for it. We recommend wearing loose, comfortable clothing, preferably white.
Bring a light snack to munch on during break times so that you do not become weak from hunger. We do not advice combining protein and complex carbohydrates (e.g., steak and potatoes or rice) as this combination tends to make you sleepy or lethargic after the meal. Protein and vegetables would be a better food combination. Foods rich in magnesium, or magnesium supplements, also recommended. Those undergoing a Lily Activation tend to burn up more magnesium than normal.
Bring a bottle or pitcher of drinking water to keep you hydrated. Label the bottle or pitcher with your name so that no one else drinks the water. The water will be blessed with sacred energies and healing properties that are uniquely for you, thus, others will not react favorably to your water lest they drink it.
FORGIVE & LET GO. True forgiveness entails letting go of all grudges, resentment, misgivings, and knots you may have towards others. Forgive yourself also--very important. The purification you'll undergo in a Lily Activation will proceed much faster, and smoother, if you forgive and let go beforehand.
You get more mileage with the Creator when you tug His heart strings. So write Him a love letter. Bring your love note to the Lily Activation to be blessed.