How To Hear & Converse with God

Through the Evergreen Blossom Prayer So You Can Regain Paradise

"I don’t know where my mental health would be without the Evergreen Blossom Prayer! It’s the gift that keeps giving."

▪ Priscilla Wheeler, Life Balance Specialist, USA

Divine Mother (i.e., The Holy Spirit) speaks conversationally with those attuned to the Evergreen Blossom Prayer (EBP). To be attuned to EBP, you would have to either say the prayer 300,000 times, or else receive a one-time attunement through any of our EBP Courses and instantly receive these benefits:

"Maddest of all to see life as it is and not as it should be."

~ Don Quixote de Cervantes

Life As It Is

without Evergreen Blossom Prayer

Life Transformed

by Evergreen Blossom Prayer

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Evergreen Blossom Prayer


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Through the Evergreen Blossom Prayer, you get speed-dial access to Beloved Source/God's embrace, peace, prosperity, joy, harmony, truths, and healing Grace.


Evergreen Blossom Ethernet


Register & pay with gratitude for prosperous 3X-10X returns.

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"The Evergreen Blossom Prayer took me soul deep...  I felt God within my body and heart.  IT minced no words.  The words were at once cutting and at the same time profoundly illuminating for my soul.  I have never before experienced such flow of conversation with the Divine.  I could almost write a book with the abundance of valuable material IT is giving me… so very beautiful and profound, complete in thought and wisdom, yet very grounded as to what I am to do."  

▪ Monette M. Flores, Evergreen Blossom User


The Why in Prosperous Circulation & Wealth Alchemy

A Story of How I Used the Evergreen Blossom Prayer

When determining a Gratitude Donation or compensation amount, it's always a good idea to ask Beloved Source/God through Evergreen Blossom Prayer what's the right amount for Prosperous Circulation.

For instance, Beloved Kim recently asked Beloved Source/God how much to compensate a student for a few days of contracted work.

Beloved Source/God replied: minimum wage + transportation expenses + free lunch + ₱65 gratuity amount (approx $1.15) for Prosperous Circulation.

Through the years, I have heard Beloved Source/God quote amounts and use money-energy for various multi-level reasons, not just one. Some of the reasons were:

1. To impart a life lesson to the recipient/beneficiary.

2. To balance out recipient's or beneficiary's Karma.

3. To raise recipient's or beneficiary's vibration & consciousness.

4. To bless, protect, honor and thank the recipient or beneficiary.

5. To facilitate an auspicious opportunity in the future.

6. To test the recipient or beneficiary.

7. To heal the recipient, beneficiary, and/or his family.

8. To activate latent potential in the beneficiary or recipient.

9. To end a bad luck streak and change the tide of good fortune for recipient/beneficiary and/or his family.

After a decade of training in Alchemy and Prosperous Circulation, Beloved Kim has learned that God's reasons have more to do with the recipient/beneficiary than with me, the giver. So I don't pry if I sense that the reasons are private to the recipient/beneficiary.

In the example of above contract worker, through the Evergreen Blossom Prayer I was able to read Beloved Source/God's energy-consciousness when He insisted on ₱65 gratuity amount. I sense-perceived the karmic energy balancing. I felt prosperity and auspiciousness flow between me, God, and the contract worker. Those reasons were good enough to satisfy my curiosity and desire to learn from Him.

As for the outcome (e.g., what person will get from our energy exchange, or how he will use the money), it's none of my business. I don't determine outcomes for God for that would be "power over" Beloved Source/God.

Author: Rev. Katherine "Kim" Lopa, Oct 28, 2023

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