"In order to ascend you need to balance your karma from all previous incarnations."
Excerpts from "A New Light on Ascension" by Diana Cooper
Karma is the balance sheet of your good and bad thoughts, words and deeds recorded over lifetimes. At the third dimension the consequences of low-vibration action may not have to be paid back until a later lifetime, so there seems to be no correlation between your lifestyle and the hand fate deals you.
At the higher dimensions you must pay back debts more quickly. When your karma is finally balanced you receive instant karma. This means that if you have a negative thought or do an unworthy action, the consequence will boomerang back to you immediately. If you never seem to get away with anything in life, be grateful. You have reached instant karma and have the opportunity to keep your books balanced.
Every thought, emotion, word or action is on a vibrational frequency which attracts events, people and situations on the same waveband. Everything you send out, therefore, is brought back to you and ensures that outer circumstances in your life accurately reflect what is going on internally. It behoves us to look into the mirrors that are presented to us in life and change ourselves, not the reflections.
There are three exceptions to this:
♦ First, you may have past-life contracts which attract low- vibration people or circumstances. These contracts must be honoured.
♦ Secondly, you may have to face difficult situations and people in order to fulfil your chosen mission or destiny. This is why great spiritual teachers appear to attract dreadful traumas; witness the lives of many of the Great Ones of the past, including Jesus Christ.
♦ Thirdly, you may be receiving tests of initiation. Many on the Ascension pathway have completed their karma and are receiving these tests which are set by the Spiritual Masters to strengthen weak areas. They are presented to us as challenging relationships, financial situations or difficulties at work.
In order to ascend we first need to complete the mission we undertook for this life on Earth. Some people have an inner knowing that they are doing what they came in to do. Others may need to access in meditation the blueprint of their life. If you are not on your true life path, then it is important you take the decisions which get you onto it. Sometimes we have to take difficult decisions to ensure we are doing what we contracted to do before we came in.
Above excerpts from "A New Light on Ascension" by Diana Cooper (2004-01-11T22:58:59.000) Inner Traditions/Bear & Company