Lilies of The Beloved

They Neither Toil Nor Spin

The Lily: A Beacon of Purity and Unity

A Lily is a homo luminous individual who has undergone a rapid awakening process called the "Lily Activation." This activation imbues them with unique abilities and a profound connection to a higher purpose. The term "Lily" itself arises from the presence of an ethereal white lily within their aura. This symbolic flower represents purity, oneness, and their role in promoting these ideals.

Who are the Lilies?

The Lilies are a group of chosen individuals entrusted by a higher power (God) with a special mission: to promote peace and global unity. Imbued with extraordinary abilities, they serve as ambassadors for this purpose.

Signs of the Lilies

Following their activation, the Lilies manifest several distinctive signs:

Chosen for a Purpose

Lilies are chosen for a purpose, that purpose being the vision-mission of Peace and One Brotherhood of Man. As divinely chosen instruments, the Lilies enjoy a closer connection to the source of creation, empowering them to fulfill their extraordinary mission.

Before & After

Before a Lily Activation

Figure 1 is an aura photo (unretouched) of a subject meditating, taken right before her Lily Activation.

After a Lily Activation

Figure 2 is an aura photo (unretouched) of the same subject in Figure 1, taken right after her Lily Activation.

Notice the white halo around the female subject's head in Figure 2. That's standard issue in any Lily ActivationNotice also the presence of more white light in the subject's auraanother standard issue. It is indication of an illumined super-conscious mind. "Any man acting in complete super-consciousness, the implication is, would be as a god. This has been the goal of all mystics through the ages and the story of their seeking. This is the explanation of the state of Christhood" (from "Revelation: A Commentary Based on a Study of 23 Psychic Discourses by Edgar Cayce," A.R.E. Press, p. 256).

Results You'll Love

While the results of a Lily Activation can be profound, they may vary from person to person. This is because everyone's spiritual journey is unique. Here are some of the ways Lilies have participated with the "perfections of deity" after their activation, which some might associate with the qualities of the divine:


noun | a·poth·e·o·sis 

1: deification; transformation of man into god through the grace of God.

2: ascension to the rank of deity; elevation to divine status.

Apotheosis is not the same as identification with God. It is not the perfection of one's moral nature through observance of religious rituals, dogma and good deeds. Apotheosis is deification by God. It is a metamorphosis infused by The Infinite; a transformation by The Infinite from a mere mortal molded by Earth into a luminous being deified by Heaven. After you are divinely changed, you become divinely life-changing.

After a Lily Activation, your mortal past begins to erode, and your inner Theos begins to unfold before your inner gaze.Thereafter, you are able to participate in the perfections of deity, and share the perfections of  immortals like Jesus Christ, Buddha, Bodhisattva Guanyin, Goddess Isis, Goddess Athena, etc.

Unfathomable Peace

Lilies call it "unfathomable peace" because it seems to go on forever. There's a buoyancy to it. 

"On being activated as a Lily, I experienced what I would call an unfathomable peace. It was like saying good bye to emotional bouts and roller coaster rides."  ~ Sandra G., Lawyer, Philippines

"I'm so much calmer now in the same situations with the exact same people that used to piss me off."  ~ Kenz Desai, North Carolina, USA


The unfathomable peace of Source is an "undifferentiated peace" that defies all understanding.  It's like having the peace of immortals such as Jesus Christ or Buddha, felt 24x7, even without meditationDistress is rare and short-lived so life becomes easy-breezy.

"It's great being a Lily. Everything falls into place. Life is easy."  ~ C. Serrano, Manila, Philippines

One Lily had this to say 2 years after her Lily Activation:  

"A friend recently commented on how much gentler I am now, after the Lily Activation, as compared to the very angry woman she met a few years back. It's a validation of how much divine peace the Lily Activation has brought into my life and is still bringing into my life. The Lily Activation afforded me more inner acceptance, hence, more peace with myself, even years after my initial activation. Thank you, God, for bringing The Lily and Beyond to the Philippines."  ~ Claudine Mangasing, Akashic Consultant and Instructor of Sattvah Wellness

The immortal peace of a Lily is infectious, and Lilies are contagions of it. The owner of a law firm reported unusually peaceful relations among her lawyers and staff the day after her Lily Activation. Most surprising was the peaceful change in her litigation lawyers!

Wherever a Lily is present, tension in the room dispels, and things just start falling into place nicely.

Super-conscious Mind

Lilies have super-conscious minds operating 24 x 7.

In a Lily Activation, Source activates the super-conscious mind for his/her immediate, full-time use.  This enables any Lily to attain cosmic consciousness and Christhood faster.

"Any man acting in complete super-consciousness, the implication is, would be as a god. This has been the goal of all mystics through the ages and the story of their seeking. This is the explanation of the state of Christhood" (Source: "Revelation: A Commentary Based on a Study of 23 Psychic Discourses" by Edgar Cayce, A.R.E. Press, p. 256).

A Lily is able to be in ordinary consciousness (beta brain stain) and in higher intuitional planes (theta and delta brain states) at the same time-even while speaking-thereby, he is able to experience his humanity and divinity simultaneously in ordinary wakefulness.

A super-conscious mind enables the Lily to perceive and cogitate multi-dimensionally, in high-definition. It's like having 6 HDTV screens in your head, and you are able to comprehend all of it without confusion.


"The depth of consciousness in the monthly Lily gatherings and Lily meditations is a level of super-consciousness and clarity very rare to find. I had not experienced it before in any other group in the 15 years that I have been doing hands-on energy healing, meditation and yoga. I truly recommend to become Lily-activated."  ▪ Rina Lichtinger, Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Miami, FL, USA

Hi-voltage Potency

Source transforms the Lily into a high-voltage transformer, holding much divine power.  S/he is much closer to Source, just as a high-voltage transformer is closer to the power plant.

Unlike naturally-evolved humans-sometimes they're plugged in to Source and sometimes they're not-a Lily is like a hi-voltage electromagnetic transformer always plugged into Source.


A Lily has been configured by Source to carry mega-volts of divine power. Thus, his mere presence is potent, and Source is able to use him/her for transmission and distribution of divine currents, in order to transform people and spaces.

Hi-speed Manifestations

Manifestation (defined as the ability to materialize thoughts, wishes & desires) requires potency, and a Lily has lots of it. Thus, a Lily is able to manifest his thoughts with ease and astonishing speed-as fast as 15 seconds for some novices.


The following testimonials and case studies illustrate the  super power of Lilies to manifest with astonishing speed and ease:

Deified Abilities

A Lily becomes energy-sensitive and can exhibit supernatural abilities rooted in divinity.

The Lily Activation can turn on latent psychic and deified abilities that appear inexplicably "out of nowhere."

PSYCHIC ABILITIES are super-powers of the soul. Clairvoyance is an example.

DEIFIED ABILITIES are super-powers of the Godself.  Deified abilities require greater wattage, higher consciousness and greater light quotient. Performing miracles is an example of a deified ability.


Examples of paranormal powers that might appear after a Lily Activation are the ability to heal, or read minds, or see and influence future events.

The Creator's Embrace

We can go on and on about the perks of being a Lily, but none of it will matter as much as the constant presence of God's palpable, reassuring embrace... to remind you of where you came from


Imagine a groom making preparations to claim his bride. He builds the honeymoon place where "Sukkot" or "the indwelling of union" will take place in the future.

Meanwhile, it is the duty of the bride to prepare and purify her vessel for Oneness, the way of holy union in matrimony.

With the Father's blessings, the groom returns to claim his bride.

When they meet, he wraps his arms around her in a secure caress that feels eternal. It is the Creator's Embrace for His Chosen One

My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies. - Song of Solomon 2:16

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