


F O R   E V E R Y D A Y   L I V I N G

Life Transformed by Ethernet Connection to Source

Amateurs built the ark.  Professionals built the Titanic.  Noah's advantage: God was his aide and advisor.

EVERGREEN BLOSSOM ETHERNET is a training course on intuition and decision-making for people of integrity who want Noah's advantage.

No, we won't teach you how to build an ark.  Instead, we'll train you to have direct conversations with God.  So that you can learn enlightened ways to turn lemons into lemonade, make better decisions, and build the life you love.  

The impact of the Evergreen Blossom Prayer can be life-changing.  Even life-saving.  And now, we're combining the Evergreen Blossom Prayer with the Akashic Master Keys Prayer for even more far-reaching results.  Two secret prayers are combined in this transformative e-course. 

This e-course turns on the Ethernet advantage of the Evergreen Blossom Prayer so you can:

What's inside this course: 

Take home our secret sauces when you attend all 4 live trainings on these dates:


Jul 10 Sat  8-11 pm EST

Jul 11 Sun  8-11 am PHT

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Live in Zoom

Jul 17 Sat  8-11 pm EST

Jul 18 Sun  8-11 am PHT

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Live in Zoom

Jul 24 Sat  8-11 pm EST

Jul 25 Sun  8-11 am PHT

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Live in Zoom

Jul 31 Sat  8-11 pm EST

Aug 1 Sun  8-11 am PHT

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Live in Zoom




1 Advanced  Lesson
Aug 7 Sat  8-11 pm EST

Aug 8 Sun  8-11 am PHT

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Live in Zoom

Our way of saying


Please CHECK SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS before booking any online course, service, program or event to make sure your device can handle a Zoom web conference call. If you discover later, after booking, that your device is incompatible, we can only issue a partial refund. A portion of your payment is beyond our control due to non-refundable transaction fees charged by your credit card or Paypal. We cannot refund the fees they deduct automatically.

Jun 26 & Jul 3 Sat 9-10 pm EST  |  Jun 27 & Jul 4 Sun 9-10 am PHT  |  Zoom

show in your time zone

Seed a Gratitude Payment for PROSPEROUS 3X-10X outcome!

⚠️  Check TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS for compatibility with your device before enrolling in a non-refundable course  ⚠️

Who can take this course?  

People of integrity who wish to raise their consciousness higher. Our transformative training teaches students how to take their intuition into higher gear.  No psychic abilities needed. 

What's included in this course?

Students will learn how to access the ethernet of Source (including the Akashic Records) by means of sacred prayers. 

We will work with the art of asking questions and translating the Source energy-information received.  Each student is guided, step-by-step, to understand vibrational information, with a focus on divining guidance for oneself on practical matters and life issues, within an atmosphere of the Creator's Love.  

In between classes, you will be given practice homework to sharpen your intuitive ability to converse with God and your Akashic Records.

Join our private Facebook group, the Secret Sauce Kitchen, so you can receive 4 weeks of complimentary assistance and support in between classes.

Take-aways of this course:


By attending this event, you agree to be recorded in concurrence with our Recording Policy. You can go incognito if you do not want to be recorded.

Evergreen Blossom Ethernet for Everyday Living

at the Early Adopters price of

VALUE:   $10,000     $467 usd or 2-payments of $255 usd


Plus accept our BONUS "THANK YOU" GIFT: 3 extra hours of additional training FREE

Due to limited seating, we will screen applicants and accept enrollments on a "first come, first served" basis.  

Early bird gets the worm so we suggest securing your seat early.

Jun 26 & Jul 3 Sat 9-10 pm EST  |  Jun 27 & Jul 4 Sun 9-10 am PHT  |  Zoom

show in your time zone

Seed a Gratitude Payment for PROSPEROUS 3X-10X outcome!

⚠️  Check TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS for compatibility with your device before enrolling in a non-refundable course  ⚠️


(Prescription drugs acceptable)

Facilitator:  Rev. Katherine "Kim" Lopa

Share this link to tell a friend: 

This class has ended but it will be offered again in the future.  Subscribe to get 1st dibs.

We are 100% committed to helping you get results in this training. 

We operate like a small boutique so we can assist our students with a sensitivity to their special challenges and strengths.  Although do not expect to be a star performer in only 4 sessions. That won't happen.  But you will make progress.  10 out of 10 students do. Results vary because individuals are unique.  

We can only spend a limited time with you to help you achieve a lifetime of rewarding results but, ultimately, the kind of results you get will depend on you. Results will depend on the degree of Integrity you bring to your training.

In order to transform your life, INTEGRITY is a must, or else the results would be dishonesty, futility, ineffectiveness, and chaos.  So if you want to transform your life, and have the thriving future you desire...

100% integrity is a MUST!

Frequently Asked Questions

I took an Akashic class from you before, so what's new and "value added" in this course?


What's new and "value added" for you is the Evergreen Blossom Prayer, and guidance on how to use it for transformative results.

This class combines the power of Akashic Master Key Prayer and Evergreen Blossom Prayer so that your intuition is boosted more than if you had only one or the other.

Since you already know how to read the Akashic Records, then you can consult the Akashic Masters and Teachers for their advice as to whether or not Evergreen Blossom Ethernet training is the right choice for you and why.

I've taken the Evergreen Blossom Prayer tutorial before, so what's new and "value added" in this course?


What's new and "value added" for you is the Akashic Master Key Prayer and guidance on how to use it for transformative results.

This class combines the power of Akashic Master Key Prayer and Evergreen Blossom Prayer so that your intuition is boosted more than if you had only one or the other.

Since you are already an Evergreen Blossom Prayer user, you can consult The Beloveds for their advice as to whether or not Evergreen Blossom Ethernet training is the right choice for you and why.

I took an Akashic Class from you before, and the Evergreen Blossom Prayer tutorial also.  So what's new and "value added" in this course?


Since you are already an Evergreen Blossom Prayer user, and you know how to access the Akashic Records, then consult both for advice as to whether or not Evergreen Blossom Ethernet training can offer you something more for your time and money.

What are the TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS of the virtual meeting platforms for this course?


How To Improve Your Online Experience

About Zoom:

After you register and pay, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the Zoom call.  To join the live training, about 5-10 minutes before the appointed time, click on the Zoom meeting link in your email and then wait for the moderator to start the meeting.  

Alternatively, you can join the meeting by going to https://zoom.us/join and enter the Zoom Meeting ID provided in the email.  

The Zoom meeting link is unique to you. For your security, do not give away your Zoom meeting link, meeting ID and password to others.

If you have never before joined a Zoom meeting, or you are unsure whether or not your internet bandwidth can handle a Zoom call, then come join our free orientation in Zoom before you enroll in our non-refundable training. If, during the orientation, you keep dropping in and out of the meeting, or your screen constantly freezes due to intermittent wifi signal, then do not enroll in our non-refundable online training.

About Telegram:

Email isn't the best way for us to get in touch.  We receive hundreds of emails daily and your email will look like a needle in the haystack.

There's a better way we can communicate about your appointment.  Message me in Telegram for free  ⬅ Just click on that link to download Telegram Messenger app and then send me a message. With Telegram, our conversations are secure and private

Alternatively, you can download Telegram Messenger from the web, Mac App Store, Google Play, etc.  Once you have Telegram installed in your device, search for "Kim Lopa" or @kimlopa within the app and send me a "Hi." 

How long do I have access to the course content?


Since this program is offered live, access to the course content is possible only by attending live.  There are no video replays.  So please enroll in this course only if you can attend all the live trainings.  Access does not extend past the last day.

What if I cannot attend all of the live training classes?


Please do not enroll unless you are able to attend all of the live training classes.  We do not want you to miss out, so make sure you are available for all training dates and times.  To fully benefit from the progam, attendance in all live training classes is necessary.  Skipping a class will make it difficult for you to catch up and follow the next one.  Only the BONUS FREE CLASS is optional but recommended.  

What if I need help with the practice homework?


No problem.  Please join our private Facebook group, the Secret Sauce Kitchen, so you can receive help with the practice homework from your instructor and classmates while the course is running.

How can I receive feedback during the course?


Is there additional support after the training ends?


Why are prescription drugs acceptable but liquor and recreational drugs are not?


Prescription drugs are dispensed in exact dosages to balance and stabilize the body-mind whereas liquor and recreational drugs achieve the opposite.   Inebriation from liquor and recreational drugs impair one's intuitive ability to communicate with Source and the Akashic Records.  Hence, NO LIQUOR OR RECREATIONAL DRUGS 36 HOURS BEFORE THE TRAINING.

What if I take liquor or recreational drugs less than 36 hours before the class because I forgot to abstain?

Then you take the consequences.  The damage to the integrity of your energy field, caused by intoxication, takes 36 to 72 hours to repair.  If you come to the training as "damaged goods," then you can't expect good results from that. 

I have a question that isn't answered here.


We're here to help.  There are several ways you can reach us with your question:

Jun 26 & Jul 3 Sat 9-10 pm EST  |  Jun 27 & Jul 4 Sun 9-10 am PHT  |  Zoom

show in your time zone

Seed a Gratitude Payment for PROSPEROUS 3X-10X outcome!

⚠️  Check TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS for compatibility with your device before enrolling in a non-refundable course  ⚠️

Share this link to tell a friend: 

This class has ended but it will be offered again in the future.  Subscribe to get 1st dibs.

Ahead in the road map:

Evergreen Blossom Ethernet for Life Coaches

Evergreen Blossom Ethernet for Prosperity

Evergreen Blossom Ethernet for Entrepreneurs


We do not offer "quick fixes", "magic pills", or get-rich-quick schemes. The results you're looking for will depend largely on you.  Realistically, it takes time, effort, commitment and follow-through to achieve the results you desire.  We are here to help you focus on "work smart, not harder" and create something that will work for you for a very long time if not forever.  That said, we do not make any guarantees about your success.  Any references and testimonials about success and income generated through the programs we teach are not assurances that you will achieve typical results.  Please read our Full Disclaimers to help you manage expectations about our offers.

Copyright © 2021 - Katherine Lopa of the Lily and Beyond DBA One Brotherhood Chapter. All rights reserved.

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