Philosopher's Stone


For many centuries, the Philosopher’s Stone was the most sought-after goal in Western Alchemy.  Alchemists believed that it is possible to transmute impure metals into gold by means of a legendary alchemical substance called the Philosopher's Stone. The alchemist himself was to live through the transmutation process, known as The Great Work, and metamorphose into the Philosopher’s Stone. 

What is the Philosopher's Stone?

In spiritual alchemy, the Philosopher's Stone, said to grant immortality, is a quintessence permitting intelligent evolution from a lower state of imperfection and vice into a higher state of enlightenment and perfection. In a spiritually elevated person, the Stone brings miraculous powers such as rejuvenation, transmutation, transfiguration, reviving dead plants, or the ability to heal illness and prolong life.

It is said, “The Stone is a blessing beyond all blessings upon Earth... given to but a very few, and to those few rather by revelation of the good angels of God than the proper industry of man."  Efforts to discover the Stone were known as the Magnum Opus, the “Great Work.”

Philosopher's Stone & the Great Work of Alchemy

The Philosopher's Stone is activated in the Diamond Lily Activation, and to a lesser degree in the Iridescent Lily Activation. This activation gives the Lily-activated alchemist the responsibility to discover his inner Philosopher's Stone through the Great Work of Alchemy.

The Great Work is a seven-step process that takes place on both the physical and spiritual planes. The first four steps, which take place on the physical plane, involve purifying the body, mind, and emotions. The last three steps, which take place on the spiritual plane, involve uniting the lower and higher aspects of the self.

The final step of the Great Work is to BE the Philosopher's Stone, in which the forces of the physical and spiritual planes come together as one. This is the ultimate goal of alchemy, and it is said to lead to enlightenment and immortality.

MAGNUM OPUS: The Great Work of Alchemy

The Great Work is a 7-stage process of internal alchemy and metamorphosis.  It follows a 7-step formula in transforming the self, as described in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth:

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