


A Community in Collaboration with Source

Join Us on Facebook

Build the future

on a foundation of

Soul Purpose.

Spirit is the architect.

Soul Purpose is the blueprint.

Mind is the builder.

Heaven on Earth is the physical result.

Since 2017. Updated on June 8, 2021.

There are myriad popular movements out there for a better future. We, the members of the Soul Purpose Hub (SPH), distinguish ourselves as a secular movement of equals, working with the Creative Forces of the universe to build a golden future for all on a foundation of Soul Purpose.

Peace, safety, well-being, prosperity, integrity, and soul purpose are some of the environmental energies in which our community wishes to thrive. Our environment and culture are fostered by the Family Code for Community Safety & Integrity. By joining the Hub, agree to our Family Code (below), and shall govern yourself accordingly.

SPH Family Code for Community Safety & Integrity

Welcome H.O.M.E.

It is with the Creator’s vision of a golden, evergreen future for all that the SPH family would like to welcome you home to:

H eart-felt soul work

O ne Love is our inner space as we

M ove mindfully and

E mbody our soul purpose on earth.

Member's P.L.E.D.G.E.

As a member of SPH, you pledge the following:

P articipate and post responsibly

L ive our answers, as we choose love

E nergize our space with safety

D o unto others as Love would do

G round and grow our soul purpose

E ngage and share wholeheartedly

Compassionate Ethics and Boundaries

As a member of the Soul Purpose Hub (SPH), you agree to govern yourself by these compassionate ethics and boundaries:

  • Love one another, harm none.

  • Respect where everyone is in their journey.

  • Come in peace. Be willing to defend the peace.

  • Take responsibility for the energy, speech, and behavior that you bring into our community space.

  • Care for the well-being, safety, prosperity, integrity, and soul purpose missions of community members. Be willing to contribute care and assistance in any way you can.

  • Seek forgiveness, atonement, and set things right if you transgress. Or else face expulsion from the community.

Member's P.R.O.T.O.C.O.L.

P ermission — All posts are reviewed by our admin/moderator. Please allow 24-48 hours for review.

R everence — We abide by the universal law of harming no one, including oneself. Respect everyone’s privacy. Anything private or sensitive that is shared in the group must stay in the group. In order to uphold the privacy, integrity, and trust that this community places in us, we recommend asking permission from the person who has posted the original content before sharing it outside our Facebook group.

O pen Heart and Mind — We contribute to grow and move forward. We refrain from offering advice as “cure-alls,” or “true/good for everyone.” We acknowledge that when something works for oneself, it may not work in the same way for others.

T one — All comments and/or posts must be free from profanity; derogatory or condescending remarks; abusive, hateful or angry speech; shaming or bullying; etc.

O wn Your Experience — We agree to only share material that one has personally read or watched prior to posting in the community, whether that be articles, blog posts, videos, webinars, vlogs, book referrals, etc.

C onduct — Good public conduct is the norm. Racist and discriminatory remarks are NOT allowed in this comm-unity.

O bservance — Observance of and compliance with the this Family Code is enforced in SPH.

L imitation — Posts that are divisive, hostile, bellicose, or combative in nature are disallowed in SPH. Political posts and reactions that are divisive and threaten the safety and human rights of members will likewise be taken down.

Diversity and differing viewpoints are welcome in our community space. We value everyone’s experiences and respect where you are on your soul purpose journey. We hope to learn and grow from what you share.

Marketing & Promotions



Refrain from advertising or soliciting business in our Facebook community in all ways, avenues and forms without a Plaza Permit. Impermissible activities include, but are not limited to, spamming (defined as unsolicited commercial content and promotions), soliciting for members or customers through videos, posts, URLs to an external site, marketing language in comments, etc.

You are not allowed to collect any information that might identify a person without their explicit permission. This extends to private instant messaging, SMS, or direct emails to community members without their explicit (as opposed to implicit) permission.

FIDUCIARY PREROGATIVE. In order to advance the Creator's aims and initiatives for SPH and recoup costs, the SPH Co-founder and SPH Admins are allowed to promote and engage in income-generating ventures, paid and pro bono services, and commercial activities in SPH, as long as such ethical engagements (1) promote Blessed Mother's Evergreen Blossom Prayer programs and initiatives (2) exemplify Thanks-giving for Prosperous Circulation, and (3) are pre-approved by Source/Blessed Mother through the SPH Admin Office.

❹ To promote Thanks-giving for Prosperous Circulation among members, the SPH Co-founder and SPH Admins are willing to allocate “billboard space” or “air time” to SPH members, if deemed beneficial to the membership, on select "Plaza Days," as long as such ethical engagements (1) promote Blessed Mother's Evergreen Blossom Prayer programs and initiatives, (2) exemplify Thanks-giving for Prosperous Circulation, and (3) are pre-approved by Source/Blessed Mother through the SPH Admin Office. See How to Apply for Plaza Permit.

From time to time, the SPH Co-founder or SPH Admin Office can allow non-members to host and promote classes, seminars, workshops, webinars, programs, products, training, services inside SPH, if deemed beneficial to the membership, as long as such ethical engagements (1) promote Blessed Mother's Evergreen Blossom Prayer programs and e-courses (2) exemplify Thanks-giving for Prosperous Circulation, and (3) are pre-approved by Source/Blessed Mother through the SPH Admin Office. See How to Apply for Plaza Permit.

NON-ENDORSEMENT. SPH admins are not endorsers, co-makers, co-guarantors, or co-obligors of member posts, promotions, labels or wares on Plaza Days or any other day. SPH admins cannot and do not make any warranties or guarantees as to the claims of vendors, authors, speakers, presenters, marketers, and promoters, about the quality, workmanship, merchantability, reliability, veracity, viability or sustainability of results and outcomes.

If your first few communications in SPH are promotional (e.g., an indirect marketing maneuver, post, comment, video or URL), SPH admins will disapprove and delete it! The better approach is to contribute value to the membership first. Before promoting one's label or wares, apply first with SPH Admin Office for promotional "air time" or "billboard space." See How to Apply for Plaza Permit.

How to Apply for Plaza Permit


Any person (whether member or non-member of the Facebook community) who wishes to host an event/program or post commercial content (whether for business, marketing, commerce, promotion or advertising) in SPH may contact SPH Admin Office to apply for a Plaza Permit.

The interested applicant (called Plaza Applicant), must meet QUALIFICATIONS, follow prescribed PROCEDURE, and satisfy all PRE-REQUISITES and REQUIREMENTS set forth by the SPH Admin Office below.


  1. Plaza Applicant must be an SPH member in good standing, i.e., abides by the Family Code, no overdue fees or outstanding balance, no penalties pending or disciplinary sanctions.

  2. Plaza Applicant must have actively contributed to the membership in the past 28 days. Examples of active contribution are: sharing new content, participating in SPH conversations or activities, interacting with SPH members through comments, etc.

  3. Plaza Applicant must be willing and able to promote Blessed Mother's Evergreen Blossom Prayer programs and initiatives.

  4. Plaza Applicant must be willing and able to invite new members to SPH via this link:

  5. Plaza Applicant must be willing and able to append this SPH Disclaimer at the bottom of his/her proposed event or post in SPH.

  6. Plaza Applicant must be willing and able to comply with SPH integrity and safety standards, PROCEDURE, PRE-REQUISITES and REQUIREMENTS set forth below.


For efficiency and time-savings, Plaza Applicant is directed to follow the procedure below, step-by-step, in the order given:

Step 1:
Submit all
PRE-REQUISITES prior to taking Step 2.

Step 2:
Schedule an interview (1 to 2 hours) in Zoom wherein Plaza Applicant shall present his/her project proposal to SPH Co-founder and SPH Admins for initial screening.

Step 3:
REQUIREMENTS prior to taking Step 4.

Step 4:
Schedule a Walk-through (1 to 2 hours) in Zoom wherein Plaza Applicant shall walk SPH Co-founder and SPH Admins through all REQUIREMENTS submitted.

Step 5:
Schedule a 30-minute audition in Zoom wherein Plaza Applicant shall present his/her finalized project proposal to SPH Co-founder and SPH Admins for final screening and approval.

Step 6:
Allow SPH Admin Office up to 72 hours to meet and then notify Plaza Applicant whether or not the proposed project has been approved.

Step 7:
If approval is granted, Plaza Applicant will be allowed to post an invitation to, or announcement of, the approved event, program, or project with this SPH Disclaimer.


Plaza Applicant must submit the following pre-requisites:

  1. Submit this SPH Family Code Consent Form.

  2. Submit a project proposal (written summary or explainer video) via Telegram that includes the following:

    1. How to invite new members to SPH using this link:

    2. How to promote Blessed Mother's Evergreen Blossom Prayer programs.

    3. How to promote Thanks-giving for Prosperous Circulation between Plaza Applicant, SPH admins, and SPH members where money is involved (e.g., if donations, gratuity, or admission fee is involved).

  3. Submit proof of qualifications via Telegram. For example, if you are proposing to feature or host an e-course/program in SPH, please provide documentation (e.g., resume, certificate, license, authorization letter, etc.) to prove you are qualified, certified, and authorized to teach the proposed e-course/program.

  4. Submit Statement of Professional Code of Ethics (written, photo, or URL) via Telegram.

    1. This is an example of a Statement of Professional Code of Ethics.

  5. Submit Statement of Soul Purpose (written, photo, or URL) via Telegram.

  6. Submit Statement of Personal Code of Ethics (written, photo, or URL) via Telegram that supports one's Soul Purpose.


Plaza Applicant must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Submit proof of GDPR policy (written, photo, or URL) and proof of compliance via Telegram.

    1. This is an example of a GDPR policy.

    2. This is an example of GDPR compliance. It is a mechanism for obtaining explicit permission to view, store, and process the digital information of an SPH member, and contact the SPH member if necessary.

    3. Plaza Applicant's proposed GDPR compliance mechanism must include the granting of explicit permissions to "Lily and Beyond" and SPH Admins by their names (i.e., explicit permission to view, store, process digital information, and contact SPH member if necessary).

    4. A copy of explicit permissions must be emailed to

  2. Submit proof of Privacy Policy (written, photo, or URL).

    1. This is an example of a Privacy Policy.

  3. Submit proposed mechanisms for soliciting evaluation/review/rating from SPH members.

    1. This is an example of an after-event Facebook post requesting evaluation/review/rating from Facebook community members.

    2. If evaluation/review/rating of SPH members will be solicited by other means (e.g., email), then the SPH Admin Office must be furnished copies of their evaluation/review/rating, or access to view their evaluation/review/rating.

  4. Submit proof of promotion for SPH new membership, Evergreen Blossom Prayer programs and initiatives, and Thanks-giving for Prosperous Circulation where applicable.

CONTACT: Consult Katherine 'Kim' Lopa via Telegram for questions or details.

Your Legal Rights


We have policies that honor the legal rights of our members:

⓵ A Privacy Policy that respects your privacy rights. Click Privacy Policy for details.

⓶ A GDPR Policy that protects your private information. Click GDPR Policy for details.

⓷ A DMCA Policy that protects original, copyrighted works. Click DMCA Policy for details.

⓸ A Recording Policy that respects our public mission and your privacy. Click Recording Policy for details.

Actions Against Breach of Family Code


Causes for removal from the comm-unity include (but are not limited to) uncooperative or rebellious behavior, bullying, foul language, spamming, refusal to adhere to the guidelines set forth, malignant intent to harm someone, and/or any other deceptive or disguised behavior that could jeopardize the safety of the community. We value everyone’s safety and will protect it.

If there is a violation as stated above, you may receive a warning from our admins/moderators, or be removed from the group with or without warning.

Posts, videos, and comments that do not comply with this Family Code will be taken down.

If the safety of the group is compromised at the level needed for immediate termination, we reserve the right to terminate membership without notice in order to protect the safety of our members.

Amendments to the Family Code


We reserve the right to amend any part of this Family Code, as needed, without prior notice.

If any of the terms and conditions in this Family Code are changed, notice will be posted in the Soul Purpose Hub on Facebook to give you an opportunity to review any amendments.

You can review this Family Code anytime by visiting

How To Use an SPH Disclaimer:

Copy the entire SPH Disclaimer and paste to the bottom of your post.

When to use an SPH Disclaimer:

  • When your post has a video over 3 minutes long.

  • When content is promotional or marketing in nature.

  • When content has a link to an external site, e.g., blog, vlog, membership site, or landing page that solicits email addresses, enrollment, or purchase.


SPH DISCLAIMER copied from

This post has been provisionally approved by the SPH Admin under these conditions:

❶ The views expressed by the authors and contributors in posts and films are solely those of the individuals providing the content, and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the SPH community and its admins. SPH Admins do not make any claims, warranties or guarantees of any kind, and are not responsible for any loss, damage, or suffering, however caused directly or indirectly, including through negligence, due to a person's use of or reliance on the content in or accessed through this post.

If you notice suspicious content, illegal activity, fraud, copyright infringement, or violation of the SPH Family Code for Community Safety & Integrity, please tag an Admin in the comments and tell us if something doesn't look right.

SPH Admin Office

Support email:

The Soul Purpose Hub (SPH) on Facebook is founded by Blessed Mother, and co-founded by Rev. Katherine "Kim" Lopa of The Lily and Beyond. It is operated by an Admin Office, composed of the co-founder, admins, community managers, and moderators.

Gregory Ciocson


Donate button is provided at the request of our patrons for Prosperous Circulation.

How to send a Gratitude Donation to Greg via Paypal:

Paypal fees apply. No fees if sending money friend-to-friend within Philippines.

From your Paypal account, send money to

{or }

Enter this link in your browser:
select your currency and send money from your Paypal balance or linked bank account.

Katherine "Kim" Lopa

Admin & Co-founder

Donate button is provided at the request of our patrons for Prosperous Circulation.

© Copyright 2022 The Lily and Beyond DBA One Brotherhood Chapter

and Felipe Batista, ToniAnn Hanna-Batista, Melanie Bularan, Katherine Lopa, James Asprer, Gregory Ciocson.

All rights reserved. Contact Us for permission to copy or reprint any portion of this Family Code.

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