Hi, I'm Kim.

I help people become divinely changed and divinely life-changing.

Rev. Katherine "Kim" Lopa

Lily Activator, Evolution Architect, Akashic Liason

Co-founder of The Lily and Beyond



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About Me


My deepest joy is sharing the Creator's perfections, riches and glory with my fellow men, so they can become divinely changed and divinely life-changing. As Reverend, my soul purpose is to be a pure vessel through which people can be assisted by Beloved Creator to attain what they alone cannot achieve.

My profession as Reverend of Universal Life Church allows me to express that joy through ecclesiastic and mystical services, such as Lily Activations, Evergreen Blossom Prayer Courses, Psion Prayer Blessings, Akashic Master Keys, Akashic Gold Experience, Sacred Alchemy Healing, meditations, etc.

Underneath all the hats, costumes, and uniforms I wear is a devout follower of Christ, continually evolving with help from The Infinite.

10+ Years of Boot Camp Training

Those who know me are aware that I work on missions with a celestial body I call the "The Beloveds" of the Christ Office. This has been my job for the past 15+ years (and counting). But before that, I had to undergo 10+ years of their boot camp training.

Boot camp training was about as pleasurable as a bed of nails. Several times, I tried to escape and run away. However, they would always outmaneuver me and haul me back to bootcamp. 

I wasn't exactly their ideal student. I am not a boot camp honor graduate.  I'm more of a boot camp survivor. Boot camp changed me though from a spoiled-brat "princess" to a genuine and pure, responsible, God-loving, God-serving Peace Ambassador, Evolution Architect and Lily Activator-Gardner I am today-living and working happily in the Garden of Eden I once fell from.

The Beloveds in the Christ Office are now my co-workers.  I am a product of their tutelage, boot camp training, culture, ethics, and universal love. My boss is God, and I answer only to Him. 

Soul Purpose Field Work

After surviving the polishing of boot camp, I was deployed by The Beloveds on missions for Peace and One Brotherhood of Man. Pockets of "new consciousness" grew wherever I was sent. 

Together with Source, I performed thousands of Lily Activations, innumerable Akashic Gold sessions, and shared the esoteric teachings of Oneness, Sacred Alchemy, Akashic Master Keys, Isis Pyramid Healing, God-consciousness Healing, Evergreen Blossom Prayer, etc. All within the span of 15+ years.

No Place Like Home

The salmon is the only fish that will swim against the tide to make it's way back Home. Like the salmon, I swam against the current until I made it back to a place called Home-a state of primordial union with the Creator-then Home became wherever I AM.

The journey from innocence to Oneness with God is a path of thorns and roses... of discovering how painfully fragmented I was, and then putting my "Humpty Dumpty" back together again, until I attained God-realization. Thereafter, I could not deny His Truth: "There is only one being in the Universe manifesting itself as the many." 

As I make progress and evolve, I remain the fortunate trainee, initiate, and humble servant of a magnificent, benevolent Creator, and illustrious ascended masters in the Christ Office.  The All has afforded me fulfillment of my Soul Purpose, and greatest accomplishment in life: that of sharing the Creator's perfections, riches, and glory with my fellowmen.

I know it's important for you to get results.

For some of you, the result you want to see is the next, best, higher version of yourself: divinely changed and divinely life-changing.  If you believe I am qualified to facilitate your metamorphosis, then . . .

How may I help you?


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Formal Education and Training


Gradeschool: St. Paul's College of Manila

Highschool:  Assumption Convent, Makati, Philippines

College:  University of the Philippines, Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy

Worked as a Computer Systems Analyst / Programmer for 13 years before making a career shift to the metaphysical healing arts.

Graduated from Educating Hands School of Massage.  Passed the board exam of the Florida Department of Health and became a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) with a thriving professional practice for 2+ years.

Extra-curricular courses and training: 

Transcendental initiations, activations, attunements, and empowerments: