Sacred Alchemy Transforms Old to Gold

When any kind of miracle happens, the hidden mechanism behind it is the precise application of these five pillars of alchemy-Spirit, Air, Fire, Water, Earth. Through command of these 5 elemental energies, the alchemist can transform "old" to "gold" supernaturally, i.e., the alchemist can transmute illness, sorrow, pain, and physical matter into higher states or higher forms through the synergy of these 5 elemental forces.  

Sacred Alchemy is the precise application of the 5 elements by way of an innate spiritual capacity to surpass so-called natural law. If applied correctly, the results are transmutation, transfiguration of matter, or transcendence.

Upon mastering the 5 elements, one becomes a siddha, a supernatural saint who is able to perform miracles rooted in The Divine.

Sacred Alchemy Healing is for clients who wish to become divinely changed and divinely life-changing. 

A client hobbled into an Akashic Old-to-Gold Experience with a walking cane that he depended on for years. 3 hours later, he went home dancingwithout his cane. This true story demonstrates the power of Divine Grace to transform "old" to "gold" through Sacred Alchemy. For our client, the result was GOLD.

Not all results of Sacred Alchemy are dramatic. Results vary and can be non-physical, transpersonal, intravenous, or subtle yet deep. Transformative effects can linger for days, weeks, or up to 9 months.

Your intentions play a large role in manifesting the changes you desire, so be careful what you wish for.  Biting more than you can chew has proven to increase stress levels or trigger a healing crisis. 

You will most likely have to make some lifestyle changes to support your healing and renewal. That may include renouncing old habits, especially if they are self-defeating and counter-productive. For example: 

Transform Old to Gold with our Sacred Alchemy Healing Suite

God-consciousness Healing  ▪  Isis Pyramid (+Pi-Ray) Healing  ▪  Guanyin Core Light Healing

 God-consciousness Healing

Supreme God participates in this energy healing modality to grant transformation for oneself or another.  


Activation Courses Offered

Isis Pyramid (+Pi Ray) Healing

Like Reiki, only more powerful... and much faster.

Isis Pyramid (+Pi Ray) Healing (or IPH for short) uses sacred symbols and +Pi Ray energy (found inside pyramids) to heal the body-mind on multiple levels.  It's subtle energy is pure, positive, high-voltage, and highly potent with powerful effects.

+Pi Ray Healing can be administered quickly (approx. 5 minutes) to an individual, group or crowd. Hence, it is ideal for situations wherein time is limited.


Activation Courses Offered here

Guanyin's Core Light Healing

With a Celestial Inter-galactic Healthcare Team

Guan Yin Ma, bodhisattva of compassion, introduced this new healing modality in 2006. In this session, an inter-galatic healthcare team of non-physical saints and ascended masters perform transformative energy healing to a group of people.


Akashic Old-to-Gold Experience

With Masters, Teachers, Lords, and Loved Ones of the Akashic Records PLUS the Beloveds on High

This private 1-on-1 combines 2 powerful energy systems of transformative care: Akashic Records PLUS Sacred Alchemy. A broad range of services, is included in this package to transform "old" to "gold." This all-in-one service is good for healing old wounds, releasing limiting beliefs, and creating a new life for yourself.

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Evergreen Blossom Prayer

For 2-way Conversing with God on Speed Dial

It's a prayer that acts like a high-speed, fiber optic connection to Heaven so you can converse with God on speed-dial. 

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Safety Advisories

Any of our energy healing modalities may trigger symptoms of spiritual awakening such as divine revelations, epiphanies, psychic visions, or miraculous healing. These symptoms should be balanced and grounded with proper education and counseling. Consulting a mental health counselor and/or seeking medical advice are recommended. Please see Full Disclaimers to help you manage expectations about our offers.

Rest in safe, clean, stress-free surroundings for the first 24 hours.


All of the above energy modalities provide heavy-duty energy healing, and your energy field will be re-organizing for the next 24-48 hours.  If you choose to be in an energetically toxic environment during this sensitive period, that toxicity will be incorporated into you.  

Hence, we recommend being selective about your environment and the people you're with for the next 24-48 hours.  If you are unable to be in peaceful, stress-free surroundings during that time, then you must read "Protect Yourself from Toxic Energies for 48 Hours."

After any heavy-duty healing, you may feel lethargic, or you may feel joyful, energized, and invigorated.  Whatever the case, it is recommended that you keep things low-key for the next 24 hours. This means:

❶ Stay in clean, stress-free surroundings, with positive, supportive people. 

❷ Pamper yourself, e.g., take a relaxing aromatherapy bath at home, or bath water with sea salt (sea salt draws out toxins from the body).  Read an inspirational book or sacred literature.  Eat healthy and get plenty of rest.  Surround yourself with soothing music.  Watch movies about love, not horror or violence.  

❸ Don't push yourself for the next 24 hours. Doing so might only retard your healing.

❹ Refrain from watching horror movies or violence on TV for the next 24 hours.  Otherwise, their toxic, negative energies will be incorporated into you.  Avoid hospitals and funerals.  Gossip is toxic energy so stay away from that, too.

If you intend to receive heavy-duty, deep energy healing, then we do not recommend that you drive a vehicle afterwards. Ask someone else to drive for you, or attend an online energy healing in the privacy of your home so you won't have to drive. If you have no other option but to drive home by yourself, then request for the "time release" option, and specify what time you would like the heavy-duty healing to take place later in the day.  This gives your celestial healthcare team permission to perform a light healing on you until you get home, and continue the heavy-duty healing later, e.g., at bedtime.

Avoid toxic energies for the first 72 hours.


If you must enter a toxic environment during the 48 hours that your energy field is reorganizing, then practice some form of protection. For example:  


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