What is a Lily Activation?


The Lily Activation is not strictly an energy healing modality or meditation but an "ascension process." It is a special dispensation from Source so that humans can rise up the Ascension Ladder and participate in the perfections of God. Let's use analogies to make this relatable and simple to understand.

The Lily Activation is an entire suite of ascension and deification processes packed into 1-sitting, like a compressed zip file, which is then energetically transmitted and downloaded to the truth-seeker through a guided meditation. 

The Lily Activation is neither a religious path nor spiritual discipline, just as a Smart HDTV is neither a religious path nor a spiritual discipline.  The Lily Activation simply "Lilifies" you-i.e., purifies you; accelerates you; anoints and deifies you; sets you up with leading-edge hardware, apps, programs and wifi technologies not available elsewhere-so you can drive on life's autobahn or fly, rather than hike, and arrive at your destination soonest.

Who is the Lily Activation For?


The Lily Activation is for anyone who is willing to grow in alignment with one's soul blueprint and put The Beloved (G-d) in the driver's seat. 

Thousands of people from all walks of life have come for a Lily Activation: lawyers, psychotherapists, movie producers, actors, singers, performers, models, medical doctors, nurses, dentists, psychotherapists, business owners, entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, energy healers, teachers, thought leaders, mystics, psychics, priests, scientists, artists, authors, etc. The Lily Activation has touched every field of human endeavor except politics.

They came from all backgrounds, ethnicities, nationalities, social strata, and spiritual disciplines: Christianity, Buddhism, Sufism, Hinduism, Metaphysics, Theosophy, etc. 

Like moths to a flame, they were truth-seekers responding to a deeper "calling" to be Lily-activated. The Lily Activation is for anyone who hears The Beloved's Call.

What are the results of a Lily Activation?


The Lily Activation is groundbreaking and one-of-a-kind, hence, results are not what people might assume or imagine. 

The outcome of a Lily Activation is, in short, a Lily-a human deified by God, capable of rising fast as a comet to the upper stratosphere of cosmic consciousness, and dwell there 24x7.  A Lily is able to share in the perfections of deity, collaborate with the Creative Forces, and scale the ascension ladder swiftly if so desired.

You come out of a Lily Activation like a turbo-charged Ferrari/Tesla model of Man Divine, with state-of-the-art wiring, integrated solid-state circuits, new Lily apps, hi-voltage divine power, extra-abilities and extra-capacities beyond normal. Although this may be hard to believe, it's what occurs in a Lily Activation when God calls the shots.  (As a Lily Activator, Rev. Katherine "Kim" Lopa has seen "proof in the pudding" countless times for over a decade. So, naturally, she's on the other side of the fence opposite naysayers and doubting Thomases).

After a Lily Activation, results will depend on who's in the driver's seat. If, for example, the client is ego-driven (i.e., the driver is ego), then results will be ego-gratification, entitlement, power-seeking, or self-aggrandizement. He will spiral downhill rapidly. This is not the result of the Lily Activation but of his own folly. Client is responsible for the ill-fated consequences of his misguided, willful choices.

For the best outcome, we recommend living a life of Oneness and compassionate service to The All rather than service to self so that you will love who you become.

To know the typical results of a Lily Activation, click on the links below. There is no guarantee, however, that you will get typical results because individuals are unique so results vary. 

Lilies of the Field

Results of Our Clients

How many Lily Activations will I need?


You start with one entry-level Lily Activation. A year later, you can decide whether or not you want to upgrade to Diamond Lily (this depends on how high up the Ascension Ladder your soul wants to go). 

This question should really be answered by your Higher Self/Spirit/Source, not by us.  We are here to serve the needs of your soul, not tell your soul what it needs.

Your Higher Self/Spirit/Source determines whether you start with a White, Gold, Platinum, or Iridescent Lily Activation.  A year or so later, if your Higher Self/Spirit/Source determines that you need a Diamond Lily Activation, then you may approach us again for assistance.

Each particular Lily or Diamond Activation holds Master Keys that unlock secret passages to the Most High G-d, so that you can ascend to upper levels of the Ascension Ladder via technologies of Grace rather than Karma or hard labor; via Divine Intelligence rather than Artificial Intelligence.  For an overview of how each Lily Activation corresponds to a particular level of Ascension, see Ascension Master Keys.

Which Lily Activation is right for me?


If you've never had a Lily Activation before, then there are 4 starting points to choose from. You may choose White, Gold, Platinum, or Iridescent. You choose only one.

Begin by consulting your Higher Guidance as to which Lily Activation is right for you. "Higher Guidance" can be God/Source, Higher Self, Akashic Records, angels, saints, ascended masters, Beloveds of the Christ Office, etc.  IT IS NOT YOUR INTELLECT OR EGO-PERSONALITY.  

The Beloveds of the Christ Office will give their recommendation for you during a free orientation (if you qualify). Final determination will be made in a subsequent free Interview Screening.

NOTE: the Platinum and Iridescent Lily Activations are advanced levels that require prior experience of Oneness and Shadow Work / Romancing the Shadow in order to qualify.

Please Manage Your Expectations


The Lily Activation is not a cure or remedy for pre-existing conditions.

We do not claim (nor have we ever claimed) that a Lily Activation can cure depression, physical illness, mental malaise, or financial problems. We do not encourage anyone to have a Lily Activation for those reasons. The Lily Activation is not a quick fix for life's problems. 

The Lily Activation is not a magic wand. Not a miracle cure. Not a get-rich-quick scheme. Please be aware, there are no quick fixes or magic pills for problems that developed from years of unhealthy habits. Realistically, it takes time, effort, focus, commitment, follow through, and probably multiple professional visits to achieve the healthy results you desire.

If you are secretly hoping for a miracle, or you want to get rich, please do not come to a Lily Activation for that. See the appropriate healthcare professional or financial planner instead. We have heard talk that some people were disgruntled when their Lily Activation did not cure their pre-existing depression, or the the Mercedes Benz they wished for did not materialize on their driveway. If you want a Mercedes Benz, please seek a car dealer, not a Lily Activation. If you want energy healing or spiritual counseling, don't book a Lily Activation. Book an Akashic Gold session instead.

Much as we want God to award you generously in a Lily Activation, we cannot control Him. We cannot guarantee that God will be "Santa Claus" to you, for that depends on whether you've been "naughty or nice." There is a chance God will play "Scrooge" rather than "Santa" to you if you feel entitled to what you think you deserve, or you turn ungrateful, resentful, or angry when you do not get what you want. If you expect God to be generous to you but you are not generous to His people in return, then you are due for a wake up call. God will be a Savior to you, and that can sometimes mean teaching you a lesson or giving you a bitter pill to swallow.

Please read FULL DISCLAIMERS to help you manage expectations about our offers. The content and testimonials in our website do not guarantee that you will get typical results and outcomes you imagine or desire. Individuals are unique so results vary.

What to expect after a Lily Activation?  (Incubation)


A lifetime of Lily blooms, and "unfolding" of your Lily petals through the seasons... starting with a honeymoon period with God, continuing onto post-honeymoon afterlife as a couple.


The days and months after a Lily Activation are typically a honeymoon period.  Technically, it's an "incubation period."

What occurs during the "incubation period" is gestation; a deep metamorphosis and subliminal re-organization of the psyche/soul infused by The Infinite. This is experienced as an unfathomable peace for days on end. If your heart is open, then you will also experience the Creator's Embrace for days on end.

Gestation can last anywhere from 1 month to 9 months. Each Lily is unique so gestation/maturation varies from person to person. 

No one can predict when a Lily will bloom, when his/her petals will unfold, when s/he will release a scent. No one knows when a Lily will shed, hibernate, and germinate to bloom again another season. Only The Master Gardener (God) knows.

Some Lilies might see their first bloom after 9 months gestation. This is especially true for those who choose a Lily Activation on Time Release. Those who choose Full Release might undergo a shorter perinatal maturation period, e.g., 30-40 days, or 3-7 months. 

After the first bloom comes "unfolding of the Lily petals". This is neither controlled by the mind nor the desires of the human ego-personality. It is controlled by the Higher Self/ Godself so that the ego-personality is not overwhelmed.

If you like surprises, then allow The Master Gardener to manage your blooming and "unfolding" of your Lily petals. Beloved Source loves taking care of all His Lilies so that they need not toil nor spin

AFTER THE HONEYMOON (post-incubation period)

Once incubation ends, the Lily begins to cruise through life as if on roller skates. He thinks he's on roller skates but others see a Ferrari speeding on the autobahn (a German motor way without speed limits).

Some Lilies reported feeling a Holy Presence growing inside them. Like a supreme, inner Guiding Force, capable of illumined direction (which at times goes contrary to the directives of the ego-personality!)

Most Lilies feel eternally embraced by Source (this is the Creator's Embrace mentioned previously).

Some Lilies noticed how people swarm to them like moths to a flame.

Purification and detoxification are other common aftermaths. 

Some experienced deified abilities, e.g., telekinesis, telepathy, mind-reading, new healing abilities, ability to control lights with thought, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc.

Many experience faster manifestations of their thoughts, to their astonishment. With practice, they are able to manifest their thoughts not in weeks but in days, even minutes, or seconds. The fastest manifestation we clocked was 15 seconds.

Some noticed increased prosperity after a confluence of auspicious "coincidences" and astonishing events. 

Unfortunately, we cannot share all their stories here for privacy reasons. So suffice it to say that many astonishing things start to happen when the incubation period is over. This can go on for years. As long as you maintain a loving relationship with Source, the astonishment does not cease.

How do I know which Diamond Lily Activation is right for me?


There are 4 starting points to choose from: 1-carat, 2-carats, 3-carats, or 4-carats. You choose only one. (The 4-carats is available only to 3-carat Triple Diamond Lilies).

Begin by consulting your Higher Guidance as to which Diamond Lily Activation is right for you. "Higher Guidance" can be God/Source, Higher Self, Akashic Records, angels, saints, ascended masters, Beloveds of the Christ Office, etc.  IT IS NOT YOUR INTELLECT OR EGO-PERSONALITY.  

The Beloveds of the Christ Office will give their recommendation for you during a free orientation (if you qualify). Final determination will be made in a subsequent free Interview Screening.

NOTE: the Diamond Lily Activations are advanced levels that require prior experience of Oneness and Shadow Work / Romancing the Shadow in order to qualify.

What if Higher Guidance says I start with a Diamond Lily Activation?


If you've never had a Lily Activation before, and your Higher Self advises you to start with a Diamond Lily Activation, then you start with an Iridescent Lily Activation and then advance on your own merit to the Diamond level. This is for your safety.  Let's use an analogy to explain this.

Before any aspiring astronaut can fly a rocket ship, he must first put in hundreds of hours of pilot training in jet aircrafts before he is allowed to man the cockpit of a rocket ship. 

The Iridescent Lily is equivalent to pilot training for jet aircraft. The Diamond Lily is equivalent to pilot training for rocket ship. 

The Diamond rocket ship is a different beast. If you have you have little to no experience mending the incongruities between your Light and Shadow while walking the cosmic tightrope at warp speed, then you are a Jekyll and Hyde at the cockpit. You are fated for a crash landing. 

Hence, for safety reasons, Beloveds of the Christ Office have never approved anyone for a Diamond Lily Activation right off the bat. All spiritually advanced truth-seekers must start with jet aircraft training before graduating to a rocket ship. The Iridescent Lily Activation is the training ground for jet aircraft pilots.

How does one use the Lily?


That's like asking, "How does one use his direct connection to God?"  The choice is yours.

We recommend using your "Lily powers" for compassionate service and Oneness Restoration, rather than power-seeking or self-aggrandizement, so that you will love who you become.

The path of Oneness leads to realization of your inner alchemist-that is, the miraculous inner messiah who is the humblest servant of all, and who, like the sun, can light up a dark world in a way that 7 billion human light bulbs cannot do.

How much is a Lily Activation?


See PRICE LIST for rates and payment methods we accept.  Prices are subject to change before purchase.

Whether it's a White, Gold, Platinum, Iridescent, or Diamond Lily Activation, the price is the same.  

Pricing is determined by The Beloveds, not by the Lily Activator. So it is useless to negotiate pricing with the Lily Activator.  Only The Beloveds can change the price.  In the past, The Beloveds have given Lily Activations for free, or at a discount, but such cases are rare. The Beloveds prefer that prospects collaborate with Providence (God) to manifest the money to pay for a Lily Activation.

Looking for something easier on the budget?

NOTE: the Iridescent Lily Activation and Diamond Lily Activations are rarely offered in group workshops, but always available by private appointment.  A private Lily Activation is custom-tailored to your needs whereas a group Lily Activation Workshop is not.

How is the Lily Activation performed?


The Lily Activation is not a do-it-yourself program nor a private coaching session. 

In a Lily Activation, you simply sit down in a meditation guided by the Lily Activator, so you can receive mega-watts of Source Light and be transformed by The Infinite. 

No hypnosis involved. No dietary restrictions. No dogma. No indoctrination. No cult-ish rituals. No ayahuasca or other psychotropic drug. No magic pills, no props, no magic wands.

 Just a guided meditation, and Source as the activating force.

How much time does a Lily Activation take?


The Lily Activation is broken down into 2 phases:

Phase 1 is a 2-hour primer (lecture) wherein the Lily Activator and client lay the groundwork. Herein, the Lily Activator shows you what's going on with your etheric "plumbing pipes," so that you can participate with Source in the purification and "unclogging" of your interior plumbing. 

Some purification will already start happening during the lecture. The intensity of purification energy coming from The Beloveds may cause you to feel sleepy. Hence, we ask that you get enough sleep the night before so that you do not fall asleep during the lecture while the purification is going on.

Phase 1 can take more than 2 hours if you have a lot of questions. To conserve time, we ask that you prepare your questions beforehand, and organize them according to this guide: How To Ask the Right Questions

Phase 2 is the Lily Activation proper. On the average, this phase takes 2 hours. However, certain cases may take longer, as much as 6-8 hours, if the client's soul needs to undergo major purification or "operative procedures." 

Once Phase 2 starts, it cannot be paused in the middle and postponed. Neither can it be rushed because a "rush job" entails undue risks. So when you schedule a Lily Activation, we ask that you leave the rest of your day free, in case your Lily Activation needs to take longer than scheduled, to allow for "unexpected contingencies."

Both phases of a Lily Activation can be done in 1-sitting, for 8 hours straight, which already includes allowance for mealtime breaks and bathroom breaks. However, it may be difficult for a client to schedule 8 straight hours with the Lily Activator, owing to large differences in time zone. In this case, a full-term Lily Activation can be broken down into 2 half-terms of 3½ hours each (7 hours total). Ideally, you would schedule the 1st half-term (3½ hours) in the evening of your time zone, and the 2nd half-term (3½ hours) the next morning in your time zone. 

If our schedule permits and time zone difference is negligible, then you can schedule 2 half-term sessions on the same day.

In the interim between 2 half-term sessions, allow only sleep, rest, prayer, meditation, contemplation, and mealtime. No liquor, recreational drugs, or partying. Cut down socializing to bare minimum. Sorry to be a party poop but this advice is for your safety. Undergoing a Lily Activation is like undergoing major surgery. You want clean surroundings and no partying while your innards are exposed. 

How much time does a Lily Orientation take?


A Free Lily Orientation can take 1½ to 2 hours.  Sometimes more than 2 hours if a prospect has many questions.

In the 10+ years I've been doing this work, rarely has there been a time when a Lily Orientation took less than 2 hours. This is because a Lily Activation is such new territory for most people and so they have a lot of questions. They want to cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time.

We make no money in a Free Lily Orientation but we incur costs, so it's more economical for us to do a 30-minute orientation rather than 2 hours. We know 2 hours is not enough to make a prospect aware of all that a Lily Activation entails, but it's the most we can offer for free.

In the Free Lily Orientation, your preferred Lily Activation is discussed plus other information we feel is necessary for you to know.

How soon can we schedule a Private Lily Activation?


As soon as you have completed all pre-requisites and requirements, you can book your Private Lily Activation. If our schedules permits, you can have a Lily Activation as early as 3 days after the Free Interview Screening.

How soon can we schedule a Private Diamond Lily Activation?


As soon as you have completed all pre-requisites and requirements, you can book your Private Diamond Lily Activation. If our schedules permits, you can have a Diamond Lily Activation as early as 3 days after the Interview Screening.

The Diamond Lily Activation can take anywhere from 3 to 4 hours tops.

Can you lose a Lily Activation you've had previously?


The answer to this question is not a simple Yes or No. Let's use analogies to help you understand.


Can you terminate cable service to God?  Yes.  Anytime.  All it takes is a free will choice (conscious or unconscious) to terminate your subscription in a nanosecond. We don't advice it, though, because the consequences will be regrettable and tragic.


If you terminate your subscription, will you continue to receive programs, apps, channels, and other services from God?  No. You won't be able to enjoy the programs, channels, apps, services and assistance you used to enjoy. You'll still be a piece of HDTV hardware, but no longer a smart one.


Can you resume subscription to God?  Yes, if you repent to God, atone, and make amends. 


Can you downgrade or upgrade your cable service to God?  Yes.  Anytime.  For more information, ask God.

Can you cut your cable wire to God?  Yes, you can. This will terminate all programs, apps, channels, services, and assistance you used to enjoy.


How do you cut your cable wire?  Commit evil.  There are many ways an erring, self-righteous ego can commit evil, consciously or unconsciously.  These are just a few examples:

When you sever ties with any of God's people, though they have not harmed you, you unwittingly sever ties with ALL of God's people, including God. That's how you cut the cable.

In all instances of evil, God will protect His People (be they cable technicians, janitors, salesmen, etc.)  God's cable company will terminate all subscription services, programs, channels, and assistance once enjoyed by the erring, self-righteous client.  The terminated client becomes a host for demonic forces. His light gets dimmer and dimmerHis aura becomes darker and darker.  


How do you restore a severed cable? 

Is there additional support after the Lily Activation?


24x7 After-care Service and Tech Support for Lilies

When a Lily has issues after a Lily Activation, this is almost always due to ignorance of God's ways.  So, for any issues after a Lily Activation, please take up the matter with The Beloved (God) directly.  He'll be happy you approached Him first.

After-care service and technical support are also available to Lilies 24 x 7 x 365 in the Lily Cloud for free.

Why would I need a Lily Activation to connect to God? Isn't everyone connected to God already?


Yes, everyone is connected to God. Majority of naturally-evolved humans are connected to Source via TV antenna, metaphorically speaking, like a household gadget is plugged into a 110v or 220v socket. Sometimes they're plugged in, sometimes they're not.

On the other hand, people who have had a Lily Activation (i.e., Lilies) are cable-connected directly to Source, like a high-voltage transformer is directly connected to the main power plant. Their cable connection is hard-wired, hi-speed, hi-bandwidth, broadband, and fiber-optic. Thus, a Lily is much closer to Source and "plugged in" all the time.

Is the Lily Activation like Theta Healing, or Reiki, or other healing modalities?


No. Theta Healing and Reiki are energy healing modalities.  The Lily Activation is unlike other energy healing modalities because the Lily Activation is an ascension process.

That said, many Lilies have discovered newfound or enhanced healing abilities after their Lily Activation.

Those who had been energy healing practitioners before their Lily Activation discovered after their Lily Activation that they need to "make some adjustments" with their healing techniques or protocols to accommodate their increased wattage and speed.  Some discovered that they can do away with techniques altogether.

Does it matter what religion or spiritual faith I believe in?


It does not matter which religion, spiritual doctrine or faith you belong to.  The Lily Activation is secular, non-ecumenical, non-denominational, and non-sectarian.  It is for people of any religious background or spiritual persuasion (except Satanism).

Does it matter what stage of spiritual development I'm in?


No.  A Lily Activation benefits all levels of spiritual evolution.  It does not matter whether you consider yourself a beginner or spiritually advanced, educated or uneducated, monotheistic or polytheistic.

The story of the tortoise and the hare comes to mind.  I have seen highly advanced spiritual initiates turn into "hares" after a Lily Activation, only to be bypassed by the slow-and-steady Lily tortoises. 

Those on the spiritual path will be glad to know that spiritual plateaus disappear after a Lily Activation.

Why are prescription drugs acceptable but liquor and recreational drugs are not?


Prescription drugs are controlled substances. They are dispensed in prescribed dosages to balance and stabilize the body-mind, whereas liquor and recreational drugs achieve the opposite.  

Inebriation from liquor and recreational drugs impairs one's intuitive ability to communicate with Source and the Akashic RecordsOne sip of liquor is enough to destroy the protective webbing of your chakras. It takes 36 to 72 hours for that protective webbing to be restored. That is why we ask you to refrain from liquor or recreational drugs 72 hours before a Lily Activation, or 36 hours before an Akashic Gold private consultation. 

What if I take liquor or recreational drugs in the last 24 hours because I forgot to abstain?

Then you take the consequences.  The damage to the integrity of your energy field caused by intoxication takes 36 to 72 hours to repair.  If you come to a Lily Activation or Akashic Gold session as "damaged goods," then you can't expect good results from that.  You will be asked to reschedule your appointment. 

In the case of a workshop or live online event wherein you are enrolled and there is no option to reschedule, please contact Kim Lopa via Telegram immediately so she can give you other options.

What's the difference between a private Lily Activation vs. a workshop?


A Private Lily Activation is conducted online in a private setting, by appointment, and customized to your special needs.  

A Lily Activation workshop takes advantage of economies of scale and passes on the savings to groups, but it is not custom-tailored to individual needs. 

So if your prefer customization, privacy, and timing that fits your schedule, then a Private Lily Activation is the way to go. 

NOTE: the Iridescent and Diamond Lily Activations are rarely offered in workshops but are always available by private appointment.

Can children receive a Lily Activation?


Yes, children below 18 years of age may receive "seed activations." A minor must be accompanied by an adult, parent or guardian who is responsible for the child's welfare.  The accompanying adult, parent or guardian must also be eligible to receive a Lily Activation.

A child who undergoes "seed activation" will receive everything in the White Lily Activation EXCEPT the Christ Consciousness ActivationContact the Lily Activator for details.

I have a question that isn't answered here. Where do I go?


We're here to help.  You can send your question to the Lily Activator through the following channels: 

Click our logo to return to the main site at