
Bronze is a basic introductory level which you should complete in S1 or S2.

Solutions are provided below the slides - there are videos of each block being modelled

Once you have modelled them all, you may be asked to complete some orthographic drawings.

When you have completed a level please show your teacher and we will check things over and issue you with your award. Then you can be added to the Academy Graduation Hall of Fame! 

Remember to use the help videos if you get stuck:

Bronze Onshape Help Videos - These should work on your Chromebook in School


Bronze Academy Exit Task

Now that you have completed all the models there is one more task to complete before you can move on to the Silver CAD Academy. Once a model is complete,  we usually need to create a drawing of it so that it can be manufacured. Your final task in this section is to complete drawings of 3 of the blocks you have modelled.

Templates are provided below for Onshape and Inventor depending on which software you are using. They include the blank drawing sheet with instructions and also the completed blocks. Make sure you also watch the relevant guide to get you started. 


Click the link below to open the onshape template. You will need to create a copy so you can edit it and add the views of the blocks.

GGS Bronze Academy Drawings

Watch the guide video to see how to open and layout the views in Onshape and add dimensions to your views.


You should download, save and open the Inventor template below. When you open it in Inventor you will be able to add the views of the blocks.

Inventor Bronze Academy Drawings , Bronze 2Bronze 6  ,  Bronze 10

Watch the guide video to see how to open and layout the views in Inventor and add dimensions to your views.