Frequently Asked Questions

Fall 2021 Housing and Meal Plans

Single Rooms vs Double Rooms

Can I live in a single room?

Simply put - yes. Because the College will be returning Bryan Hall as an available student living space, we should have plenty of rooms to accommodate single room requests. However we will only be granting single rooms to those who request them.

How do I request a single room?

Submit your request by registering on the Housing Waitlist for a single room in a traditional hall (as opposed to apartments). Best consideration will be given to those who register by July 19th.

Single occupancy rooms in apartments may also be requested through a separate Housing Waitlist, but will be much more limited because most continuing students have already been housed.

Will single rooms be available in all the residence halls?

Bryan Hall will be utilized primarily as single room options, in suites of 4 bedrooms. All residential students (first-years, sophomores, juniors, and seniors) may request singles in Bryan.

A limited number of singles may also be available in Binford Hall, English Hall, Milner Hall, Mary Hobbs Hall, and Shore Hall, but cannot be guaranteed. Availability will depend on the number of students who request singles vs doubles.

Single occupancy rooms in apartments may or may not be available, as most continuing students have already been housed.

You may specify any hall preferences on your Housing Waitlist request registration.

How much does a single room cost?

The single room rate for any traditional hall (Binford, Bryan, English, Mary Hobbs, Milner, Shore) is $4400/semester. You can view all 2020-2021 room rates here.

The 2020-2021 rate for a single room approved as an ADA accommodation is $3000/semester.

I'd like to request a single because I have a medical condition/disability which makes me more vulnerable to COVID-19. What do I do?

Students who need an ADA housing accommodation must submit a petition to the Accessibility Resource Center. Housing accommodations may include single room housing or living off campus. These accommodations may be granted to students who have a qualifying disability, or whose disability puts them at additional risk of COVID-19. Please read the instructions and Q&A here.

ARC staff will guide you through the process. You can ask questions by emailing or calling (336) 316-2243.

I love my roommate and we still want to live together, can we still live together?

Yes. You are not required to live in a single room and you can live with your selected roommate. Students housed in traditional halls (all on-campus residences except apartments) will be housed in double occupancy rooms unless they request a single room.

I already have my housing assignment for Fall 2021, is it being changed?

If your housing assignment for Fall 2020 has already been completed, then it has not been cancelled or changed!

We are changing/cancelling students' assignments when it is requested, for example:

  1. a student in a double room requests single room through the Housing Waitlist,

  2. a student is granted another placement via the Housing Waitlist,

  3. or a student is approved for an off-campus release.

You are notified of your housing assignment by email at the time it is completed. You can also verify your future assignments (if completed) on MyHousing Self-Service - scroll down on the "Home" page to the "Room Assignments" section.

I've already been placed in a double room with a roommate, but now one of us is requesting a single, what happens to our housing assignments?

If two students have already been assigned a room as roommates, and one has requested a single room, we will work to find a single room for the one who requested it. The other roommate would then be the remaining occupant of a double-occupancy room and may be assigned a new roommate at any time.

I've already been placed in a double room with a roommate, but now BOTH of us are requesting a single, what happens to our housing assignments?

If two students have already been assigned a room as roommates and BOTH request a single room, we anticipate being able to grant a single room to both individuals. However, the placement of these single rooms may not be in the already-assigned room or area. This will be situational depending on the prioritization order of the Housing Waitlist and availability of preferred spaces.

What does a single room look like?

Single rooms will vary by location, size, layout, and furnishings. Some rooms that are typically used for two residents will be used as single-occupancy rooms, so you may have some extra furniture to arrange. College-issued furniture remains in the room, even if it's extra because there is only one occupant.

You can learn more about each of the residence halls on its respective webpage, find links to each under Residence Hall Options.

Off-Campus Requests

I'm taking all online classes, can I stay off-campus?

Yes, we have modified the off-campus criteria to include this exception. Students enrolled only in fully-online classes can be approved to stay off-campus. However you must still submit an Off-Campus Release application and be officially approved. Once approved, we will monitor your course registration and if you later register for a hybrid or on-campus course, you're off-campus approval would be revoked and you would return to on-campus status and be responsible for on-campus housing, meal plan, and associated fees.

This exception is being made to allow students to remain where they, but continue coursework fully online during the Fall 2020 semester and this exception is being made for Spring 2021 as well. Because students may approved for off-campus under this off-campus criterion ONLY for one semester at a time, they are advised not to enter into any long-term lease agreements.

Please also keep in mind that that any previously booked room assignments will be cancelled and cannot be held for you for future semesters.

Students who were approved for off-campus under this criterion for Fall 2020 and wish to continue to stay off-campus for Spring 2021 by taking fully online courses must reapply.

I'd like live off-campus because I have a medical condition/disability which makes me more vulnerable to COVID-19. What do I do?

Students who need an ADA housing accommodation must submit a petition to the Accessibility Resource Center. Housing accommodations may include single room housing or living off campus. These accommodations may be granted to students who have a qualifying disability, or whose disability puts them at additional risk of COVID-19. Please read the instructions and Q&A here.

ARC staff will guide you through the process. You can ask questions by emailing or calling (336) 316-2243.

Has the residential requirement been relaxed to allow more people to live off-campus?

One semester exceptions to the four-year residency requirement for 2020-21 will be possible for those enrolled exclusively in fully online courses (synchronous or asynchronous delivery) - see above. The College will approve off-campus coronavirus-related requests, if they are related to a student’s disability (see above) or on an exceptional case-by-case basis. Please review this website for the process and approved reasons to receive an off-campus exemption.

I've been approved to live off-campus for Fall 2020, what are my options for on-campus housing or continuing to stay off-campus for Spring 2021?

If you were approved for an off-campus release for Fall 2020 only, you will receive spring-only housing information and instructions in October 2020 (date tbd). You will be able to apply for Spring 2021 housing at that time, and be able to specify your preferred placement and meal plan. You will be housed in one of the available spaces for Spring 2021.

If you were approved for an off-campus release for Fall 2020 only, but wish to remain off-campus for Spring 2021 as well, you may resubmit an off-campus application. As the faculty determine the mode of instruction for their courses for the spring, we will continue to offer a one-semester criterion for students taking fully online classes for Spring 2021. This information will be included in the spring-only housing information in October.

Online Courses and On-Campus Living Requirements

All my classes are online. Can I still live on-campus if I want to?

Yes, any student who is typically eligible for on-campus housing may remain a residential student, regardless of the mode of instruction for your classes. If you're already a residential student, you will continue as a residential student by default, so no further action is needed on your part to let us know you'll be living on-campus.

I'm taking all online classes, can I stay off-campus?

Yes, we have modified the off-campus criteria to include this exception. Students enrolled only in fully-online classes can be approved to stay off-campus. However you must still submit an Off-Campus Release application and be officially approved. Once approved, we will monitor your course registration and if you later register for a hybrid or on-campus course, you're off-campus approval would be revoked and you would return to on-campus status and be responsible for on-campus housing, meal plan, and associated fees.

This exception is being made to allow students to remain where they, but continue coursework fully online during the Fall 2020 semester and this exception is being made for Spring 2021 as well. Because students may approved for off-campus under this off-campus criterion ONLY for one semester at a time, they are advised not to enter into any long-term lease agreements.

Please also keep in mind that that any previously booked room assignments will be cancelled and cannot be held for you for future semesters.

Students who were approved for off-campus under this criterion for Fall 2020 and wish to continue to stay off-campus for Spring 2021 by taking fully online courses must reapply.

My 3-week class is online. Can I just move in for the 12-week and will there be a difference in cost?

Fall 2020 - If you're 3-week session class is fully online, you can stay off-campus/at home to complete the course and move in before the 12-week session begins. However, because the room is booked for the term, there would be no difference in the room rate for the semester.

Spring 2021 - If you're 3-week session class is fully online, you can move off-campus at the end of the 12-week session. However, because the room is booked for the term, there would be no difference in the room rate for the semester.

View all 2020-2021 Room Rates here

My 3-week class has an on-campus component, but my 12-week classes are all online. Can I stay on-campus just for the 3-week and will there be a difference in cost?

Fall 2020 - If you're 12-week session classes are online, you can stay off-campus/at home to complete the courses following your 3-week session. However, because the room is booked for the term, there would be no difference in the room rate for the semester.

Spring 2021 - It's possible. Please contact Residential Education & Housing directly to inquire.

View all Room Rates here.

My 3-week class has only an occasional on-campus component, and my 12-week classes are online. Can I just commute for the 3-weeks then the stay off-campus for the rest of the semester off-campus?

Depending on the number and frequency of your on-campus class meetings, you may be eligible for an off-campus release for the Fall 2020 term only. Please submit an off-campus application, and you will need to provide documentation regarding the number and frequency of on-campus class meetings. If approved, we will monitor your course registration and if you later register for other hybrid or on-campus course, you're off-campus approval would be revoked and you would return to on-campus status and be responsible for on-campus housing, meal plan, and associated fees.

This exception is being made to allow students to remain where they, but continue coursework fully online. Because students may approved for off-campus under this off-campus criterion ONLY ONE SEMESTER AT A TIME, they are advised not to enter into any long-term lease agreements.

Please also keep in mind that that any previously booked room assignments will be cancelled and cannot be held for you for future semesters.

The Residence Halls and Cleaning

I already have my housing assignment for Fall 2021, is it being changed?

If your housing assignment for Fall 2021 has already been completed, then it has not and will not be changed or cancelled except for cases where the student requests it, for example:

  1. a student in a double room requests single room through the Housing Waitlist,

  2. a student is granted another placement via the Housing Waitlist,

  3. or a student is approved for an off-campus release.

You are notified of your housing assignment by email at the time it is completed. You can also verify your future assignments (if completed) on MyHousing Self-Service - scroll down on the "Home" page to the "Room Assignments" section.

What do rooms in Bryan Hall look like?

Bryan is a suite-style building. Each suite has four or five bedrooms which can be used as double- or single-occupancy, and share a bathroom facility. Read more about Bryan Hall here.

Note that each Bryan Hall bedroom will have one micro-fridge unit (a microwave/minifridge combo unit).

What's the room rate for Bryan Hall?

The 2020-2021 Room Rates for Bryan Hall are the same as the other traditional halls: $4400/semester for a single-occupancy room and $3000/semester for double-occupancy room. Keep in mind that Bryan will primarily be used as single-occupancy options.

I want to live in an apartment. How do I get one?

The North Apartments, South Apartments, and East Apartments were initially filled by continuing students through the Apartment Group Application process. Any remaining spaces, or spaces that become available, will be granted to those already awaiting an apartment placement or who register on the Housing Waitlist for placement in the apartments.

First-year students are not eligible for on-campus apartments.

How will hall cleaning be different?

The building services staff of WFF will be heavily focused on disinfecting commonly used areas and touchpoints this fall. Cleaning schedules may be adjusted accordingly, these plans are forthcoming.

Hand sanitizers will be stationed in high-traffic, high-touch areas throughout the halls. Of course, proper hand-washing by individuals will be an important preventative measure.

Meal Plans & Dining

Will meal plans be the same for Fall 2021?

Yes. The options for meal plans remain the same for Fall 2021. You can see all meal plan options, eligibility rules, and rates for 2021-2022 here.

Will the Dining Hall still be operational as usual?

We anticipate that the Dining Hall will still be operational this fall and open during its normal hours. Your dining experience is likely to feel different because there will be an emphasis on practices such as social distancing and health and safety procedures.

Will the Grill, and Rachel's Rose Cottage still be operational as usual?

We anticipate having both of these locations open for Fall 2020. Menu offerings and hours may be modified to meet the campus need.

Billing, Room and Meal Plan Rates

Will meal plans be prorated because we're supposed to leave at Thanksgiving?

Yes. Quaker Meal Plan rates have been adjusted for Fall 2020 to account for the all-online period of instruction following Thanksgiving when the semester's meal plans will be not be in use. Block Meal Plan rates remain the same as you will have full access to your block of meals. You can review all 2020-2021 Meal Plan Rates for Fall 2020 here, including the revised rates for Fall 2020.

For students who were charged the full rate of a Quaker Meal Plan prior to this adjustment, a credit has already been posted to your student account. Students who are assigned a Quaker Meal Plan after this adjustment will be charged the adjusted rate at the time the meal plan is assigned.

How much do meal plans cost?

Review all 2020-2021 Meal Plan Rates here.

Will housing be prorated because we're supposed to leave at Thanksgiving?

Your room is booked for you for the full term (as opposed to a daily rate) so room rates have not changed. Please find 2020-2021 Room Rates here.

I have a charge for "Dining PreBill NoAssignment" on my account, will I get a credit?

Yes, a credit to your account in the full amount of the pre-bill ($3100) is issued when your actual meal plan assignment is completed or if you are approved for an off-campus release - you will receive an email notification from when this occurs. (We are not issuing partial credits to reduce the pre-bill in the interim since the intent is to credit this charge fully anyway.)

At the time when your actual meal plan assignment is completed, you'll be charged the associated rate (including reduced rates for Fall 2020 for Quaker Meal Plans). 2020-2021 Meal Plan rates can be found here.

What are the charges on my account for "Housing PreBill NoAssignment" and "Dining PreBill NoAssignment" on my account?

We call these "pre-bills" and they are charges for default on-campus room rate ($3000) and default meal plan ($3100). These are not associated with any actual room or meal plan assignment, but act as billing placeholders so that invoices will more accurately reflect the expected cost of attendance, and are placed when housing and meal plans are not yet settled at the time that initial invoices are generated.

Pre-billed charges are credited in full once actual housing and meal plan assignments are completed and charged (at which time the total balance due may change if the pre-billed amounts are greater or less than the actual rates).

Pre-billed charges are credited in full if and when a student is approved for an off-campus release.

Post-Thanksgiving Housing and Meal Plans

Can I stay in my on-campus room past Thanksgiving?

There will be a process through which students may request to remain in the residence halls past Thanksgiving until the halls and College officially close for the winter break on December 19th; this process was sent to students by email on October 16th, and there would be no additional housing cost if approved.

Residents who remain in on-campus housing after Thanksgiving Break will still be expected to vacate the residence halls by 10am on December 19th for the Winter Break.

Will dining services and meal plans be available past Thanksgiving?

On Friday, November 20th, the Dining Hall will close following lunch service and the Grill will close at 4:00pm after which time meal plans will no longer be available. (Rates for the weekly Quaker meal plans have already been adjusted to account for this modified semester schedule.) Any student approved to stay on-campus after November 20th will be responsible for their own meals.

For those with the 25 and 100 Block Meal Plans, remember that meal swipes do not roll over after this semester, you're encouraged to use them by November 20th!

Fall Move-in and Check-in

What will the check-in schedule and move-in look like?

In an effort to prioritize the health and safety of our community, students will need to sign up for a move-in time slot to lessen the number of people coming into contact with one another. In staggering check-in times, we are considering how many people would be in the building at a time, including elevator use. In addition, we ask that residents please bring no more than two family members or friends to assist with move in.

First-year residential students will need to arrive between August 13-16, whereas returning students can arrive between August 13-17. Instructions will be sent out on Monday, August 3 between noon and 1pm on how to sign up for a time slot and specific information about move-in. The move-in process for all on-campus residences will start in Founders Hall.

We implore all Guilford students to make good decisions about their potential virus exposure prior to moving in. Individual decisions by community members in the days and weeks before coming to campus will impact us as a community when you arrive.

We also encourage students to pack light as circumstances may change quickly during the semester where you may need to relocate to another room or in case we need to vacate campus.

Fall 2020 classes are still set to begin on Wednesday, August 19th.

Can I move in early?

The College has extended the traditional move-in days, students will need to sign up for a move-in time slot. First-year residential students will need to arrive between August 13-16, whereas returning students can arrive between August 13-17. Instructions will be sent out on Monday, August 3 between noon and 1pm on how to sign up for a time slot and specific information about move-in.

Requests to move in prior to August 13th cannot be granted. Students who are participants of a program or sport that would normally be scheduled to arrive before August 13th are no longer being asked to return to campus early; if you have final, ticketed flights or other travel confirmations that cannot be adjusted, please reach out to

Is coronavirus testing required or part of check-in?

Recognizing that the health landscape continues to evolve, a robust testing effort allows us to monitor the prevalence of COVID-19 on campus among students and employees, and to track campus trends relative to those locally, within North Carolina and nationally. Guilford College is partnering with StarMed, a company out of Charlotte, NC, to conduct mandatory PCR nasal swab tests for all students, faculty, and staff who will be on campus this Fall. If a student does not want to be tested on campus, they can bring documentation of a negative test result that is dated no earlier than Monday, August 10th.

Residential students will be tested when they arrive for check-in. Commuting students must come to campus to be tested between August 13-17, 8am-5pm. Results will be provided within 48-72 hours. In that intervening time, we will require students to self-quarantine in their residential spaces until they receive a negative result.

Students who have not received a negative test result will not be allowed into classrooms until they receive a negative test.

There will be no out-of-pocket costs for the tests as StarMed will bill an individual’s health insurance or the CARES Act if the individual does not have health insurance.

Is there a mandatory self-quarantine as we return to campus?

Residential students will be tested when they arrive for check-in. Commuting students must come to campus to be tested between August 13-17, 8am-5pm. Results will be provided within 48-72 hours. In that intervening time, we will require students to self-quarantine in their residential spaces until they receive a negative result.

Students who have not received a negative test result will not be allowed into classrooms until they receive a negative test.

Life in the Residence Halls

What should I bring and what should I leave at home?

Please refer to our Packing List for the typical items a Guilford Student might need while living on-campus AND keep in mind the following.

While we want everyone to feel comfortable and at-home in our residence halls, we encourage you to be more selective about your non-essential possessions. Consider leaving more things at home than you normally would.

Additionally, there are a few new items you'll need to bring:

  • Cookware, utensils, dishware, etc. The College usually stocks these items in common kitchens in traditional halls (not apartments) however they will be removed for Fall 2020. Please bring your own if you plan to utilize the hall kitchen facilities. For Binford and Milner residents, keep in mind that the provided stoves require induction-compliant pots and pans.

  • Cleaning and sanitizing supplies. Some will be provided for communal use, but you'll be required t maintain your own personal stock.

  • Masks.

Will I be allowed to have guests in my residence hall?

Guest policies are likely to be determined by the status of the pandemic and may change throughout the semester. At this time, we plan to limit, but not prohibit, guest visitation in the residence halls. The "Visitation" access on student ID cards will be disabled.

Will I be allowed to visit my friends in other residence halls?

Visitation policies are likely to be determined by the status of the pandemic and may change throughout the semester. At this time, we plan to limit, but not prohibit, guest visitation in the residence halls. The "Visitation" access on student ID cards will be disabled.

Will I have a curfew?

No. Guilford does not ask or require residential students to abide by a curfew.

Who will be available to support me as a residential student?

The staff of Residential Education & Housing will still be available to support our residential students, although in-person contact is less likely to occur. We will still have Resident Advisors, Assistant Community Director, Community Directors, and on-call staff ready and willing to support you as well as our other student services.

Will I be sharing a bathroom with other people?

In most cases, yes. The only on-campus residences with private bathrooms are the East Apartments and a few, select bedrooms which are held to accommodate ADA needs. So in most cases, bathroom facilities are shared with others though the number of students sharing a bathroom will vary depending on the hall and apartment layout and capacity.

Will common areas (lounges, kitchens, laundry, and bathrooms) still be available for use?

Yes. Common areas will still be open for your use. There may be new occupancy requirements and the furniture layout will be modified for social distancing. These spaces will be cleaned and disinfected on a routine schedule, but residents must also care for the spaces.


I already have my housing assignment for Fall 2021, is it being changed?

If your housing assignment for Fall 2020 has already been completed, then it has not and will not be changed or cancelled except for cases where the student requests it, for example:

  1. a student in a double room requests single room through the Housing Waitlist,

  2. a student is granted another placement via the Housing Waitlist,

  3. or a student is approved for an off-campus release.

You are notified of your housing assignment by email at the time it is completed. You can also verify your future assignments (if completed) on MyHousing Self-Service - scroll down on the "Home" page to the "Room Assignments" section.

When will I get my housing assignment?

Because we would like to allow students time to request single rooms through July 19th for best consideration, housing assignment announcements for new students (first-year, transfer, visiting) will be delayed to the end of July.

For Continuing Students who are awaiting assignments, we will continue to work on completing them on a rolling basis and will send you an email confirmation once complete.

What happens to my housing situation if the College moves to all online instruction again?

At this time, through careful preparations and numerous precautions, the College is anticipating the ability to allow students to remain in their residences throughout the term unless extreme conditions warrant evacuating campus due to health and safety risks and/or local/state official mandates.