March 2021

MSJE Office Staff

Katy Carter, Principal

Shanthi Sukumar, Secretary

Kim Strack, Attendance Clerk

Office: 510-656-1200

Fax: 510 651-4211

Mission San Jose Elementary School

43545 Bryant St. Fremont, CA 94539 [MAP]

MSJE Parent & Student Handbook 2020-2021

Hello Mission San Jose Elementary Families,

I hope you and your family have been able to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. In just two more weeks, we will start Day Light Savings Time; personally, I am very excited about the longer evenings.

I know many of you may have questions about returning back to school. The best place for you to be up to date on this topic is on the reopening page of the District Website. If we have any new information, we will keep you informed.

As you may be aware, the PTC is currently trying to recruit new members and leadership for next year's PTC board. I encourage you to attend the PTC meeting on Tuesday, March 9 to see how you can become involved. We are so thankful to those parents who have supported MSJE's students through the PTC.

Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility.

In Partnership,

Katy Carter, Principal

For additional information in Chinese regarding this communication, please contact the school.

Mission San Jose Vision Statement

All students will be valued, encouraged, and challenged in a collaborative learning environment.

Mark Your Calendars

  • March 5: Last Day of Trimester 2 (MINIMUM DAY)

  • March 9: PTC Meeting, 7:00 PM (join on Zoom)

  • March 14: Daylight Savings Time starts

  • March 17: School Site Council/ELAC Meeting, 3:00 PM (join on Zoom)

  • March 19: MSJE Spirit Day: Hat Day

  • April 2-11: Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)

Mandatory Student Preferences for Distance Learning versus In-Person Hybrid Learning for Spring 2021

On March 1st, 2021, you should have received the below information as an email from FUSD. Please complete the survey for each Pre-school- 6th grade FUSD student in the household.

Dear FUSD Parent/Guardian,

Pre-school - 6th Grade Mandatory Student Preferences for Distance Learning versus In-Person Hybrid Learning for Spring 2021

In order to prepare for in-person hybrid learning, we need to know which students would prefer to come back in-person and which students plan to stay in distance learning for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. We need a response for each student. Please complete a survey for every child in your household.

Survey Links:

This form must be completed by March 6, 2021 in order to be considered for in-person support this school year if schools reopen.

Schools will create schedules based on the intent to return information from students. To the extent possible, we will make every effort to keep students with their teacher and to keep students at their current school site. Depending on the number of requests to return in-person, it is possible that a student may be assigned a new teacher or different school location. If space becomes available at their school sites, families who responded “yes” to in-person (hybrid) will be offered an in-person space. In-person hybrid schedules will be created based on the number of students that commit to returning to campus. The schedules are in draft form and are under negotiations. Please see draft schedules here.

For more information, we encourage you to visit to learn about the safety measures that will be in place, the proposed in-person hybrid schedules and the expectations of students when they return to campus.


Infinite Campus Parent Portal

Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) has implemented a new student information system (SIS) called Infinite Campus. Infinite Campus is a district-wide SIS designed to manage attendance, grades, schedules, and other information about our students. Parents/guardians will have access to Campus Portal, which is a confidential and secure website that allows parents/guardians to log in and view their child's progress in school. There is also an app called Campus Parent, which is available for both iOS and Android devices.

Logging into the Campus Portal will allow you to view the following information about your child:

  • Demographics

  • Attendance

  • Schedules

  • Grades (Middle School, Junior High, High School)

  • Report Cards (Middle School, Junior High, High School)

  • District and School Notices

In addition to viewing information through your portal account, you may also use the portal to complete our district’s Online Registration process for existing and new students.

You will continue to use the Illuminate (Home Connection) Parent Portal to access assessments and elementary reports cards. This is in addition to the new Campus Portal in Infinite Campus.

For more information, please see the full Infinite Campus Parent/Guardian Letter.

ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessments for California)

This Spring our EL (English Learners) students will be taking the summative ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessments for California) to measure their language acquisition progress. Here you will find more information and access to ELPAC practice tests. The practice and training tests allow students, parents/guardians, families, teachers, administrators, and others an opportunity to become familiar with the computer-based test delivery platform as well as the types of test questions that may appear on the actual test at each grade or grade span.


MSJE Career Week

We will be hosting a virtual Career Week in April. We want to provide students the opportunity to learn fun and interesting facts about the different career choices out there! We are asking for parents or family/friends you know to participate if you’re interested. Volunteers will be asked to prepare a 2-3 minute video, sharing about what they do. There will be questions to help you get started! If you’d like to share, please sign up using this LINK. We will reach out with more details. Videos will be presented in lessons across FUSD elementary schools. Please read this letter for more information.

Student Council Update

Clubs: The MSJE students council has two after-school clubs (Video Gaming Club and Art Club) available for 4th - 6th graders to participate in (virtually). In order to participate, parents need to give permission by filling out these forms:

Spirit Days: Friday, March 19 is Hat Day! It's pretty simple: Wear a hat! For this spirit day, you can wear your wildest hats, normal hats, caps, beanies, and more.

Other Spirit Days to look forward to are:

  • 4/16: Twin day

  • 5/7: One Color Day

  • 5/28: Sunglasses Day

The MSJE Student Council Website is accessible by students and staff. Parents/guardians will need to access the site through the student's login. Here, students can find more information about clubs, spirit days, and school activities.

The Pony Express

We are proud to present Mission San Jose Elementary's newspaper, The Pony Express! Here you will find articles, musings, cartoons and creations brought to you by our student staff. New content will be added throughout the year, so make sure to check back often. (The Pony Express will be viewable when students are logged onto their FUSD Google account.)

Contactless Library Check-Out

Did you know the MSJE library is checking out books for all Kindergarten - 6th Grade? Please talk with your students to decide if you want them to check out books. Students log into the library catalog (Destiny Discover) and put books on HOLD. Mrs. Steinberg will then check the books out to the student and place them on a table outside the library doors for parent pick up.

Library Pick Up Hours are: Monday - Thursday, 9:00am - 2:30pm

Eight Great Character Traits

Throughout the year, we will be reinforcing the importance of developing and showing good character at school, at home, and in the community. During the month of February, we will focus on the character trait, "PROBLEM-SOLVING." Over the next month, opportunities will be created for students to consider the best approach to solving problems. Together, we will work to create an environment in which students learn that conflict is a part of life and that conflicts can be resolved in ways that are not hurtful or demeaning.

A message to reinforce at home... We can all cooperate and solve problems in a fair and peaceful way.

Counselors Corner

Hello Mustangs,

I want to share the recorded social-emotional lessons for the month of February and remind you all to participate in the last week of the Mental Wellness Challenge. Participants will be put in a raffle to win prizes per grade level!

Also, please see our new Lunch Bunch dates. I'm so excited to see you all again!

Thank you,

Annie Kuang

PTC Connections

Hello Parents,

MSJE is proud to highlight Math Counts, Math Olympiad, assemblies (drawing assembly this December), FAME, and Chess Club as PTC funded programs. Additionally, the PTC has recently approved the funding for a site license of Tynker for MSJE. The PTC is in need for more contributions as we are nowhere near our goal and would like to provide additional enrichment programs during the pandemic.

See LINK for open PTC chair positions. Let us know if a position catches your interest and you're excited to sign up. We eagerly look forward to having your expertise and participation on the committee. Together, we can achieve a bigger impact in our children's education. We sincerely hope to hear from you soon. Let us know if you have any questions.

Start thinking ahead: We are in dire need of parents joining the PTC executive board open positions if we want to sustain the PTC next year. The following positions will be open next year (and can be co-chaired this year): PTC President, PTC Vice President, PTC treasurer, and PTC secretary.


MSJE PTC Board in partnership with Mrs. Carter

Please email questions to

Next PTC Meeting:

Tuesday, February 9, 7:00 PM (join on Zoom)

MSJE PTC Contribution Drive flyer - 2020_2021.pdf

MSJE Community

Paperless fliers for community events, programs, and resources can be found at . To sign up for automatic notifications, go to and click on 'Sign Up'.

Remember to also check MSJE's School Website for updates and information.

Mission San Jose Elementary

43545 Bryant St. Fremont, CA 94539 [MAP]

Office: 510-656-1200 ┃Fax: 510 651-4211

Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 4:00pm

"Fremont Unified School District is part of a culturally and linguistically rich community. Our policies embrace a discrimination and harassment-free environment."