May 2024

MSJE Office Staff

Katy Carter, Principal

Shanthi Sukumar, Secretary

Wanda Chu, Attendance Clerk

Office: 510-656-1200

Fax: 510 651-4211

Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Mission San Jose Elementary School 

43545 Bryant St. Fremont, CA 94539 [MAP

MSJE Parent & Student Handbook 2023-2024

Hello Mission San Jose Elementary Families,

I hope this newsletter finds all MSJE families happy and healthy. It seems hard to believe that we are now in the month of May. This is the last Newsletter of the school year, however, I will continue to email families with important information from now until the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year.

Thank you, volunteers! On behalf of the MSJE staff, I would like to extend great appreciation to all who helped MSJE throughout the school year. We appreciate our parents, guardians, and community volunteers who helped with PTC, FAME, Contribution Drive, Chess, Yearbook, Math programs, 5th Grade promotion, School Site Council/ELAC, Health & Safety Committee, traffic safety patrol, Book Fair, field trips, assemblies, Booster fundraiser and Classroom Support. Part of what makes MSJE the amazing school it is known to be is the collaborative partnership between school and home. I look forward to welcoming more in-person volunteers on campus next year and urge all parents/guardians to get involved. Our final PTC meeting of the school year will be on Tuesday, May 14 at 7:00 PM. Please join us to see how you can get involved to help support the AMAZING STUDENTS of MSJE.

Wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous month of May.

In Partnership,

Katy Carter, Principal

Thank you, families, for participating in this year's Booster fundraiser. We are so pleased to report that we nearly met our fundraising goal and have received over $16,500 in pledges. These generous donations will go towards PTC sponsored MSJE programs for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Mission San Jose Vision Statement

All students will be valued, encouraged, and challenged in a collaborative learning environment.  

Mark Your Calendars

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week

May 6 -10 is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week at MSJE.

This Week is a special time when we collectively honor the educators and staff who shape the lives of our students. MSJE's amazing teachers and staff invest their time, energy, and passion into molding young minds, fostering curiosity, and igniting a love for learning. Their impact extends far beyond the classroom, influencing future generations and contributing to the fabric of society. During this week, we express our gratitude for their unwavering commitment, recognizing that their influence echoes through time, leaving an indelible mark on countless lives.  

Many thanks to the PTC for hosting our staff lunch on May 10.

Open House 2023

We are thrilled to welcome families to attend our in-person Open House on Tuesday, May 21 at 5:00 PM. This will be a wonderful opportunity to see a glimpse of what your child has accomplished at school this year.  Students and families are welcome.

MSJE Soccer

Congratulations to the MSJE boys and girls soccer teams who remained undefeated this season. Both teams will play in the FUSD Soccer Tournament on Monday, May 13. Girls play at 3:30 PM. Boys play at 4:30 PM. Come to cheer on our amazing teams at the Glenmoor Elementary Soccer field. Let's go Mustangs!

Aeries Parent Portal & 2024-25 MAZE Process

Fremont Unified will transition from Infinite Campus to Aeries as our student information system for the 2024-25 school year. In July 2024, parents and guardians of students enrolled for 2024-25 will receive information to activate their Aeries Parent Portal, and will use the Portal to complete the annual MAZE process, called “Parent Data Confirmation” in Aeries. 

MAZE is Fremont Unified School District’s annual data confirmation process in which parents/guardians: 

Completing the MAZE process ensures your student’s school has accurate information, and allows families to view student schedules/classroom assignments and their teachers when that information is released in August.

Please look out for additional information about activating your Aeries Parent Portal and completing the MAZE process in the coming months. 

Portal de padres Aeries y proceso MAZE 2024-25

Fremont Unified hará la transición de Infinite Campus a Aeries como nuestro sistema de información estudiantil para el año escolar 2024-25. 

En julio de 2024, los padres y tutores de los estudiantes matriculados para 2024-25 recibirán información para activar su Portal de Padres Aeries, y utilizarán el Portal para completar el proceso anual MAZE, llamado "Confirmación de Datos de Padres" en Aeries.

MAZE es el proceso de confirmación de registro anual del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fremont en el que los padres/tutores: 

Completar el proceso MAZE garantiza que la escuela de su estudiante tenga información precisa y permite a las familias ver los horarios de los estudiantes/asignaciones de clases y a sus maestros cuando se publique esa información en agosto.

Por favor, esté atento a la información adicional sobre la activación de su Portal de Padres Aeries y completar el proceso MAZE en los próximos meses. 

Aeries 家長入口網站和 2024-25 迷宮日(MAZE)流程

菲利蒙聯合學區將從 Infinite Campus 過渡到 Aeries 作為 2024-25 學年的學生資訊系統。

2024-25 學年註冊學生的家長和監護人將在2024年 7 月收到激活 Aeries 家長入口網站的訊息,並將使用該入口網站完成年度 MAZE (迷宮日)流程。


完成 MAZE 流程可確保您學生的學校獲得準確的信息,並允許家庭查看在 8 月發布的學生日程安排/課堂作業及其教師姓名。

請留意未來幾個月有關啟動 Aeries 家長入口網站並完成迷宮流程的更多資訊。

School Site Council Membership Nominations

It's that time of the year to nominate (or self-nominate) parent/community committee members for our 2024-2025 School Site Council

The Commitment: Elected members would serve a 2-year term and attend SSC meetings 5 times per year (2nd Wednesdays of September, October, December, March, and May, 3:00 to 4:00 PM). Parent/community members would work with school staff to edit and approve the Comprehensive School Safety Plan (CSSP) and the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for the continued growth of student success in order to close the achievement gap and enhance and enrich the school experience for all students.

Process/Deadline: There are currently 2 open seats and 1 alternate seat which need to be filled by. Those who are interested or those who would like to nominate someone else shall submit this NOMINATION FORM on or before May 24, 2024. Ballots will then be distributed to the MSJE parent community.

Questions: Please address any questions to the principal, Katy Carter ( 

2024-2025 Class Placement Information and Input

At this time of the year, we begin to plan for the next school year...

The placement of students in classes is a complex process with many variables. Many Elementary schools in the Fremont Unified School District use the following criteria: program/student needs, student ability, student behavior, as well as ethnic and gender balance. Parent/guardian input in this process is valued as well. Parents/guardians may choose to complete the MSJE Parent/Guardian Input for Student Placement 2024-2025 Consideration form to describe their child's specific educational needs. This form is optional and parents/guardians should not feel they must complete this form. Input for Student Placement Consideration must be submitted no later than FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2024, BY 4:00 PM.  NO FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE AND TIME.

SBAC/CAST State-Required Assessments

Beginning April 29 and throughout the month of May, all 3rd-5th grade students will be taking the following state-required assessments:

Prior to the May test administration, students will have the opportunity in and outside of school to practice for this assessment through the CAASPP Online Practice and Training Test Portal. (At home, students can take practice tests as a "guest user" without needing a session ID or SSID number.)

All 3rd - 5th grade students should have a personal pair of earbuds or headphones to use for testing, beginning on April 29.

Additional information about State-Required CAASPP can be found on the FUSD Website.

MSJE Showcase

On May 22, 2024, Principal, Katy Carter, will be presenting an "MSJE Showcase" presentation to the FUSD board of education. This brief presentation will highlight MSJE's accomplishments, school highlights, and future growth targets. MSJE community members are welcome to attend the board meeting and/or view via live stream.

5th-Grade Promotion Ceremony - Save the Date

We are thrilled to be holding a promotion ceremony this year to honor and celebrate our AMAZING 5th graders. 

When: Friday, May 31, 2024

Time: 9:00 - 10:00 AM

Where: MSJE, Multi-use room

Parking: Please plan to park off-campus and walk in. Limited disabled parking is available.

This year we will be limiting audience attendance to two seats per promoting 5th graders. (Younger siblings may sit on laps ONLY.) Tickets will be given to each student prior to the event. All 5th Grade students MUST promptly arrive at the beginning of the school day (8:20 AM) and report to their classroom. Photo opportunities will be available after the ceremony from 10:00 - 10:20. Students will return to their classrooms by 10:30 (by this time all parents will leave campus). The 5th-grade promotion social (for students) will be from 11:00 - 12:20 in the multi-use room. Students should be picked up at the end of the short school day (12:20). Lunch will be served.

5th Grade Promotion "Dress-to-Impress" Code:

(Note: Failure to abide by these requirements may result in exclusion from this activity.) 

FUSD Family Resource Website

Welcome to the 2023 - 2024 school year! On this FUSD Family Resource Website, you will find resources, news,  information about upcoming events that FUSD will host throughout the school year, past presentations, ways to encourage learning at home, and more. FUSD will continue to update this site so please be sure to bookmark this site and check back for more updates.

Spirit Days 2023-2024

MSJE Student Council

2023-2024 FUSD School Year Calendar

Here you will find the 2023-2024 School Year Instructional Calendar | 學校日曆 | Calendario Escola.

Here you will find the 2024-2025 School Year Instructional Calendar.


First Day of School for 2024-2025 School Year – Wednesday, August 14th, 2024

BP/AR 5113.1 – Students Must Be Present on the First Day of School 

All students must attend live instruction on the first day of school, August 14, 2024. Students who do not attend the first day of school will be dropped and will not be guaranteed a seat at their school and may have to be overloaded to another school if classrooms at their school are filled. The only exception will be students who are absent due to illness. If a student is absent the first day due to illness, parents/guardians must notify the school every day the student is absent. Seats will NOT be held for students on extended vacations or other optional activities, whether or not the school is notified. 

Board Policy 5111.1 states that if you move, you must notify the school prior to or within 5 days of any changes in residency. If you don’t, your enrollment may be revoked. 

Counselor's Corner

The end of the school year can be a bittersweet time for our students and staff.  Some may be counting down the days, while others may miss their daily routines with their friends and teachers. In May, we look forward to celebrating our school staff with a Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week.  Students will be encouraged to show their gratitude by participating in lunch recess activities throughout the week. 

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.  Mental health is essential to everyone’s overall health and well-being.  So much of what we do physically impacts us mentally.  It’s important to pay attention to both your physical and mental health which can help you achieve overall wellness.  Here is some information about mental health and how you can support your child with their mental well-being.

Best Regards,

Ms. Vue, School Counselor

(510) 656-1200 ext. 33012

MSJE PTC Contribution Drive flyer - 2023/2024.pdf

PTC Connections

We are all looking forward to a year of partnership, involvement, and enrichment! The support provided by parents and families will continue to play an important role in our students' lives.

Thank you, in advance, for your support!

The PTC mission is to facilitate excellent communication among parents and teachers together, and to build one another up for the benefit of these amazing children! The goal of the 2023-2024 PTC Contribution Drive is to raise and administer funds that provide enrichment opportunities to MSJE students beyond those provided by the FUSD. The PTC will react to the changing needs of our students and teachers, and focus on creative ways to complement the ever-changing learning environment, and we need your support to do so!

Over the years, the PTC has funded after-school programs, classroom, and school needs to promote a more advanced and holistic education for our students. Examples include STEM programs such as Math Counts, Math Olympiad, and Robotics; Arts programs such as FAME, Music Programs, Creative Assemblies, Teacher Allotments, School Technology, School Library, Chess, and more. All funded by parents like you.

Your one-time donation for the current academic year is very important as the children’s needs are new. To donate, simply point your smartphone camera at one of the QR codes below and tap the link that pops up.

Suggested donation: $225 per student

Thank you in advance for your help!

For more information, please visit the PTC page on the MSJE Website or email the PTC at

Next PTC Meeting: Tuesday, May 14, 7:00 PM - join on Zoom

MSJE Community

Paperless fliers for community events, programs, and resources can be found at . To sign up for automatic notifications, go to and click on 'Sign Up'.  

Remember to also check MSJE's School Website for updates and information.

Mission San Jose Elementary

43545 Bryant St. Fremont, CA 94539 [MAP

Office: 510-656-1200 ┃Fax: 510 651-4211

Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 4:00pm

"Fremont Unified School District is part of a culturally and linguistically rich community. Our policies embrace a discrimination and harassment-free environment."