February 2025

MSJE Office Staff

Katy Carter, Principal

Shanthi Sukumar, Secretary

Hazeena Azeez, Attendance Clerk

Office: 510-656-1200

Fax: 510 651-4211

Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Mission San Jose Elementary School 

43545 Bryant St. Fremont, CA 94539 [MAP

MSJE Community Handbook 2024-2025

Hello Mission San Jose Elementary Families,

Happy Lunar New Year! I send my best wishes to all and am hopeful that the Year of the Snake brings us all good fortune. 

February is Black History Month. Throughout the month, MSJE will be recognizing and celebrating the contributions and achievements made by African Americans and recognizing their central role in U.S. History. I encourage families to continue this learning at home.

I want to express my unwavering gratitude to parents/guardians, families, students, and staff. Together, we have successfully navigated through the first 100 days of the school year. Every day, I am thankful for the unwavering support from the MSJE community. With our continued focus on academic, social-emotional, physical, behavioral, and linguistic learning, it is a true joy to watch our amazing students moving forward. Go Mustangs!

In Partnership,

Katy Carter, Principal


Mission San Jose Vision Statement

All students will be valued, encouraged, and challenged in a collaborative learning environment.  

Mark Your Calendars

PBIS School Climate Parent/Guardian Survey

We are seeking feedback regarding your perspective on the school climate of MSJE and ask that you please complete this brief MSJE PBIS SURVEY.

PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) is a framework that schools use to improve student behavior and school climate. PBIS is based on the idea that students learn best when they know what’s expected of them. In September 2024, California PBIS (CA PBIS) recognized MSJE for successful PBIS implementation. 

Results from this survey will provide our PBIS implementation team valuable information that will be used for program improvements. For more information, please visit the MSJE PBIS Community Handbook.

Please complete this survey by February 7, 2025.

Lost & Found

We will be donating all unclaimed lost & found items after Friday, February 7. If your child has lost an article of clothing, you are free to come to MSJE to look through our lost & found between 2:40 - 4:00 PM (Monday - Friday). 

Residency Verification

You should have received a residency verification form email from "Informedk12" on Friday, 1/31. These will com directly from InformedK12. If you have not done so yet, please complete the verification process in a timely manner. 

Spring Picture Day

MSJE Picture Day is on Friday, February 7. This is an opt-in program only. Only those who opt in or prepays by 800 PM the night before will be photographed. CLICK HERE to opt-in or prepay.

Resolving to Save in the New Year - Family Involvement Opportunity

Looking to make some changes in your routine this year? Whether it's saving money, making healthier choices, or reducing your environmental footprint, small steps can help you reach your goals. To help get you there, check out this 2025 Resolve to Save Calendar. This resource is full of tips and strategies for making the most of what you have, conserving resources, and minimizing your environmental impact along the way.  

MSJE Yearbook Cover Art Contest

It's time to get creative! We are holding a yearbook cover contest for our 2024-2025 yearbook. We would love your kids to participate by showing off their artistic capabilities that will last as a lifetime memory. The winner of the artwork contest art will be published as the front cover of the yearbook. The 2nd runner-up will be published as the back cover of the yearbook. Additional entries will be published in the yearbook as well.

Please see the entry rules below:

Turn in entries to your class teacher by Friday, February 28, 2025. 

MSJE Talent Show

The MSJE 2025 Talent Show will be on Friday, April 11, 2025.  The Talent Show assemblies will be held during the school day. All students and the parents of performers are invited to attend.

Talent Show Tryouts for 1st - 5th Grade Students: 

Please note that not all students who audition for the talent show will be selected to perform at the talent show assemblies. Students interested in auditioning for the talent show must submit a Pre-recorded Talent Show Audition (https://tinyurl.com/MSJETalent-2025). A recorded audition must be linked. This form must be submitted by Friday, February 28 - no exceptions. Any student who is interested in being the talent show emcee/announcer should contact Mr. Lee.

Call Backs:

In-person call backs will occur during lunchtime and/or after school from March 3-7 for select students. Students will be notified if they are requested for an in-person call back.

Selected Performers:

All selected performers (and their parents) will be notified on March 14.


Selected performers must be able to attend the following after-school (2:50 - 4:30 PM) rehearsals in the multi-use room:

Talent Show Guidelines:

Please direct questions to Katy Carter (kcarter@fusdk12.net) or Richard Lee (rlee@fusdk12.net)

Paper Donations Needed

MSJE is in need of more 8 1/2 x 11 inch white copy paper. We are asking for each family to donate a few reems of copy paper so we have enough to get through the remainder of the school year. Donations can be brought directly to the front office. Thank you!

Reminders for MSJE Volunteers

We require that all MSJE volunteers: 

For more information, please see the Volunteer Page of the FUSD Website.

English Language Proficiency for California (ELPAC)

Every Year, California students take several statewide tests. When combined with other measures such as grades, classwork, and teacher observations, these tests give families and teachers a more complete picture of their child’s learning. You can use the results to identify where your child is doing well and where they might need more support.

Initial & Summative ELPAC: Students who have a home language survey that lists a language other than English will take the initial test, which identifies students as a Multilingual Learner student or as initially fluent in English. Students who are classified as Multilingual Learner students will take the Summative ELPAC every year until they are reclassified as proficient in English.

Alternate ELPAC: Students whose IEP identifies the use of an alternate assessment and who have a home language survey that lists a language other than English will take the Alternate Initial ELPAC, which identifies students as an English learner student or as initially fluent in English. Students who are classified as Multilingual Learner students will take the Alternate Summative ELPAC every year until they are reclassified as proficient in English.

More information on ELPAC:

MSJE Summative ELPAC Testing Window: March 1 - May 24

SBAC/CAST State-Required Assessments

Beginning April 28 and throughout the month of May, all 3rd-5th grade students will be taking the following state-required assessments:

Prior to the May test administration, students will have the opportunity in and outside of school to practice for this assessment through the CAASPP Online Practice and Training Test Portal. (At home, students can take practice tests as a "guest user" without needing a session ID or SSID number.)

All 3rd - 5th grade students should have a personal pair of earbuds or headphones to use for testing, beginning on April 28.

Additional information about State-Required CAASPP can be found on the FUSD Website.

Score Reports for SBAC Tests are shared in June or July via email and parent portals. 


We are excited to soon begin the 2025 girls and boys soccer season

Required forms

Interested participants must complete and submit (to the MSJE office) the following forms prior to tryouts:

Note: If a student turned in a physical for the 2025 Basketball season, a new physical form does not need to be resubmitted.

Season Timeline (subject to change):

Please Note:

MSJE Science Fair

MSJE science Fair: This year, the MSJE Science Fair will be on Thursday, February 6. Parents/students will drop their projects off at the MUR between 7:30 - 8:00 AM on 2/6. In each grade level, a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbon will be awarded. All other projects will receive a participation ribbon. Families will be welcome to attend the MSJE Science Fair Open House on Thursday, February 6, 6:00 - 7:00 PM. Parents will be asked to take projects home with them that night. Pictures of all 1st place projects will be sent to the district and will be included in an awards ceremony slideshow at the March 26 FUSD Board meeting. Please contact Heidi Ruscher with any related questions you may have (hruscher@fusdk12.net)

School Attendance Awareness

Fremont Unified School District is excited to provide ongoing opportunities for students to learn and engage with peers and staff! We want to make sure you know that continuing the habit of daily attendance is more important than ever.

Good attendance helps to:

● Build routines that help reduce stress

● Make new friends or reconnect with their friends and teachers

● Engage in learning

● Gain access to meals, health care, or fun activities

Every absence is a missed day of learning. Let’s work together to make daily attendance a top priority. Too many absences, excused or unexcused, can keep students from succeeding in school and in life.

How many are too many? 10% of the school year, that’s 18 missed days or 2 days a month, can knock students off track. Remember that good attendance benefits your child’s education. Students who miss a day of school not only miss instruction but must make up work and catch up with the new material at the same time.

MSJE 2024-2025 Yearbook

It's not too early to order the 2024-2025 MSJE yearbook!

To order:

English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)

Attention parents/guardians of Multilingual Learners: Please plan to join the MSJE virtual English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting (Zoom link) on Monday, February 24 at 3:00 PM. During this meeting, parents/guardians will be able to provide meaningful input on programs and services that support our English learners and on the development of the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Other ELAC meeting dates for this school year are February 24, and May 19. These meeting are open for all parents to attend, but parents of multilingual learners must comprise at least the same percentage of the ELAC membership as multilingual learners constitute of the school’s total student population. 

MSJE Student Council

Congratulations to our 2024-2025 elected student council members:

Office Business and Visitor Policy

When possible our office staff prefers to support parents and families via email or phone. Please be sure your child(ren) has all of their belongings (backpack, lunch, water bottle, etc) upon school arrival. Our office will not accept any late drop-offs of lunches, water bottles, school materials, or other items.

All volunteers/visitors must be pre-approved by the teacher and principal. All volunteers/visitors must check in at the office prior to going into a classroom.

2024-2025 Bell Schedule / Minimum Days

Here you will find the 2024-2025 MSJE Bell Schedule.

Minimum Days:

FUSD Family Resource Website

Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 school year! On this FUSD Family Resource Website, you will find resources, news,  information about upcoming events that FUSD will host throughout the school year, past presentations, ways to encourage learning at home, and more. FUSD will continue to update this site so please be sure to bookmark this site and check back for more updates.

2024-2025 FUSD School Year Calendar

Here you will find the 2024-2025 School Year Instructional Calendar | 學校日曆 | Calendario Escolar (pdfs) 

Counselor's Corner

Hello Families,

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.  Our Kindness Club created Valentine cards for seniors at the Age Well Center in Warm Springs.  The cards will be enjoyed during a lovely Valentine's Day lunch event held at their facility.  Though Valentine's Day is a great time to express our appreciation to our loved ones, it is also a great time to show appreciation to ourselves.  On Valentine’s Day, there will be a lunch recess activities that students can participate in that promotes self-love.

National School Counseling Week is from February 3-7th.  This week is celebrated to promote the school counseling profession.  Learn more about how school counselors support students by visiting the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) webpage.  

Parent Workshop

How to Setup Your Child for Success, February 27th from 6:00-7:00pm, 

This month, students will continue to learn about Empathy & Kindness from the Second Step Curriculum. At home, we encourage families to engage in conversation which reinforce their student’s learning and support additional practice beyond the classroom.  The following resources provide an overview of the ideas and concepts your student will be learning:  Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, Fourth Grade, and Fifth Grade.

Best Regards,

Ms. Vue, School Counselor


(510) 656-1200 ext. 33012

MSJE PTC Contribution Drive flyer - 2024-2025.pdf

PTC Connections

We are all looking forward to a year of partnership, involvement, and enrichment! The support provided by parents and families will continue to play an important role in our students' lives.

Thank you, in advance, for your support!

The PTC mission is to facilitate excellent communication among parents and teachers together, and to build one another up for the benefit of these amazing children! The goal of the 2024-2025 PTC Contribution Drive is to raise and administer funds that provide enrichment opportunities to MSJE students beyond those provided by the FUSD. The PTC will react to the changing needs of our students and teachers, and focus on creative ways to complement the ever-changing learning environment, and we need your support to do so!

Over the years, the PTC has funded after-school programs, classroom, and school needs to promote a more advanced and holistic education for our students. Examples include STEM programs such as Math Counts, Math Olympiad, and Robotics; Arts programs such as FAME, Music Programs, Creative Assemblies, Teacher Allotments, School Technology, School Library, Chess, and more. All funded by parents like you.

Your one-time donation for the current academic year is very important as the children’s needs are new. To donate, simply point your smartphone camera at one of the QR codes on our contribution drive flyer and tap the link that pops up.

Suggested donation: $250 per student

Thank you in advance for your help!

For more information, please visit the PTC page on the MSJE Website or email the PTC at msjeptcexecboard@gmail.com.

Next PTC Meeting: Tuesday, February 11, 7:00 PM - join on Zoom

MSJE Community

Paperless fliers for community events, programs, and resources can be found at https://app.peachjar.com/flyers/all/schools/51584 . To sign up for automatic notifications, go to www.peachjar.com and click on 'Sign Up'.  

Remember to also check MSJE's School Website for updates and information.

Mission San Jose Elementary

43545 Bryant St. Fremont, CA 94539 [MAP

Office: 510-656-1200 ┃Fax: 510 651-4211

Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 4:00pm

"Fremont Unified School District is part of a culturally and linguistically rich community. Our policies embrace a discrimination and harassment-free environment."