Advanced Higher

Entry level

Candidates are expected to have attained an A/B in Higher History. As this is as hard at it gets in secondary school and is sometimes seen as the equivalent of a first year at university entry to the course is strictly open only to those who have done higher History.

Course content

There is only one topic studied, the American Civil war, and it is composed of several units which look at the development of the differences between the North and South within America, the nature of ante-bellum slavery, the causes of the war, the development of the war, the issuing of the emancipation proclamation and an assessment of the reasons for the eventual Northern victory.


Assessment is based on one external paper and one dissertation. This is a personal research topic of your own choice (from a set of questions) to be completed by March. This is externally assessed and accounts for one third of the total marks awarded. Unit assessments must also be achieved. 

Careers and progression

The course strongly emphasises the development of skills such as analysis, drafting arguments, weighing up competing lines of arguments and evidence. It also gives pupils a chance to build upon and showcase strong literacy skills as well as developing an ability to craft essays and work and research independently. Such skills are helpful if progressing to college or University. Indeed, the majority of the course is assessed through pupil's essays. There are some jobs where a  History qualification is directly helpful, for example, academic researcher, museum curator, History teacher or an archivist to name but a few. But there are other jobs where the soft skills picked up within History are useful and cross transferable, for example, a career in law, journalism, archaeology and civil service.

Advanced Higher is excellent preparation for University/Further Education where much of the work is self-directed study. The qualification is accepted by Universities throughout Britain and will gain direct entry into second year courses but this should be carefully checked for the University of your choice. Many students studying Advanced Higher History go on to successfully complete university courses such as History, Law and Politics.