West Region

By:Michael McLaughlin and Olivia Criss


The west has a ton of thing to like such as amusement parks and also big cities like Vegas and LA. I hope you enjoy this tour through the west

The West and Its History

The western part of the U.S. is covering a third of America till the eastern sealine. The west was the last region to be developed. San Francisco is one of the biggest cities in the west I think it is. But there also is Los Angeles and Las Vegas. The west had many cowboys and cowgirls and indians and still do now.

Cities In the West

There are many cities in the west for instance San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Denver, Sacramento, Portland, Seattle, San Jose, Santa Fe, San Diego, Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs, Boise, Anaheim, and Santa Monica there could be more that I don’t know about that are smaller.

The West Culture

In the west it can be rainy or sunny when it’s sunny most of the west will be wearing shorts and short sleeve shirts but that’s when it’s hot outside. Now in the rain a coat or jacket and a umbrella with it and also a pair of rain boots

Important people

In the west, William Mulholland brought the Owens river to Los Angeles isn't that cool, Also George Crook was considered the Army's best Indian fighter, and another cool thing Kit Carson was a trapper , scout , Indian agent , soldier and authentic legend of the west.


In the West Region theirs many different types of animals. Such as, Bears, Bidhorn Sheep, Eagles, Hawks, Praire Dogs, Robins, Coyotes, Wolves, Cougars, American Bison, Bobcats, Elk, Deer, Canadian Lynx, Moose, Mountain Goats, Bald Eagles, Swans, Ospreys, and finally snakes all of these cool animals are in the West Region so if you think those animals are cool go and take a trip to the West!

Western Attractions

Death Valley California, Death Valley is a land of harsh extremes , but the climate desert landscape was once on the bottom of the earth's equator also the Grand canyon in Arizona,

The Colorado river started it's work on the grand canyon over 20 million years ago.


Thanks for learning about the west region you learned about attractions animals important people culture history cities .