Vacation to New York

"Sam what do you think about going to New York for summer break" Said Carly

Sam said "why don't we go know there is no point to wait"

Carly said "okay but how should we tell the kids and when will we go"

"I will get the kids and you will do the packing"said sam

"Fine but only this time" said Carly

Sam said "Fine"

Sam said to the kids "We are going to go to New York next week you better help mom start packing"

" We need to get going. We are going to be late" said Carly

"We are going to be there in 10 minutes" said Sam

" Where are we going to go first" said the kids

Carly said "We are going to visit the statue of liberty"

"Is there any cool facts about the statue of liberty" said the kids

"There are a ton did you now that France brought us the statue of liberty"said Carly

"Why did they bring it to New York" said the kids

"good question why don't you ask your dad"said Carly

"Dad why did they bring it" said the kids

" They brought it because it was a gift to start a friendship"said Sam

"Cool" said the kids

"We are also going to visit the Empire state building" said Carly

" What do you do at the Empire state Building" said the kids

"Well I can tell you this one you can go up in the tallest building in the United states" said Carly

"That is also cool" said the kids

" We are also going to visit central park to play around on Tuesday"said Said Sam

" We will have to leave on wensday " said Carly