Northeast Region


By: Joe, Evie H., Nick, Keegan, A.J., Sean, Alex and Sydnee

The Northeast is a very interesting place with lots of things to talk about here you will learn about the northeast’s economy, colonies, wildlife, attractions/ things to do, environment, climate, and history. The states in the Northeast are. Connecticut, Maine, Delaware, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C.

Northeast Colonies

The Northeast has eight original colonies out of thirteen states. These are the states: Virginia, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware,New Hampshire, Pennsylvania. You can visit all those places. They all have different monuments and places and history. They have all kinds of things, one similar thing is they are one of the 13 colonies.

Northeast Environment

Lots of the Northeast was built on the Appalachian mountains which I thought they would build on fair ground which they did there is civilization in part of the Atlantic coastal plain which extends all the way to the southern tip of Florida.The mountain ranges are generally warm and humid so if you want to go hiking the Appalachian mountains will give you a real treat.

Northeast Monuments

By: Alex Malmgren

Three monuments in the northeast region of America are the To The Struggle Against World Terrorism, The Statue of Liberty, and The Tower on Fox Hill.

To The Struggle Against World Terrorism

Also known as The Tear Drop Memorial, it is ten (10) stories tall, and it was made by Zurab Tsereteli. It is made of steel and coated in bronze. The Russian Government gave it to us as a memorial to the victims of the September 11 attacks and the World Trade Center bombing. There is a hole in the middle, and a giant stainless steel teardrop hangs from the top.

The Statue of Liberty

The full height of the Statue of Liberty is three hundred and five (305) feet tall, or about ninety three (93) meters. Without the base and pedestal, it is one hundred and fifty one (151) feet, or about forty six (46) meters. It was originally a shiny reddish brown color. The statue has an iron frame with a sheet of copper on it.

The Tower on Fox Hill

It is currently seventy two (72) feet tall, or twenty two (22) meters tall. Before, there was a sixty (60) feet tall tower, or eighteen (18) meters tall. The tower is now part of Henry Park. It is located at the summit of Fox Hill in Rockville, Connecticut.

History In The Northeast

The history in the Northeast, back then all the states that made the Northeast is among the origin of the thirteen colonies all but Maine, and Vermont were part of other colonies,and did you know the first people that were in New England were pilgrims.

Giovanni Da Terrazzo in 1524 his ship La Dauphin explored the coast ,and he found Florida ,and New Brunswick Henry Hudson explored the area of present-day New York in 1609.

Wildlife In The Northeast

In the northeast there are mammals, reptiles and amphibians.There are moose and white- tailed deer. Canada lynx were once common in the northeast. Bob cats also live in the northeast. Coyotes also live in an environment with a food source. Gray and red foxes also live in the northeast. The black bear is the largest animal in the northeast. some smaller mammals are rodents, moles, rats, shrews and squirrels. The northeast is also home to raccoons,opossums and several types of bats. There are reptiles and amphibians in the northeast like turtle species, also include terrestrial box turtles and the large snapping turtle. There are also water snakes to pit vipers. Such as a timber snake and copperhead and many others in between. Skinks, salamanders and frogs are also common in the northeast. The shores of the northeast have been visited by several species of marine creatures including whales,sea turtles and seals. The species of seals in the northeast U.S, Harbor seal. Other harp ,gray and hooded seals. Whale species include sperm,gervais beaked and beluga whales. Dolphins are frequent in the waters as well. Marine turtles include atlantic loggerhead, atlantic ridley and the atlantic leatherback.

Economy in the Northeast

The northeast's economy ran very poorly before World War II. Even if you were a skilled worker there would almost always be difficult situations where you had a hard time finding a job. To make up for that, people built Factories that specialized in things like Microelectronics, computers, and biotechnology. If you were poor and had to pay taxes you would most likely end up working long hours at an assembly line. Looking at the difference of taxes and payments from then and now, then you would see that they have gone down rather then up. Even though the northeast had some money problems, it still attracts workers around the world.

Attractions and things to do

In the Northeast there are lots of things to do. In the winter you can go ice skating or having a snowball fight or you can In the summer you can go fishing play sports or go hiking. The Northeast has the Statue of Liberty! It was designed by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to the United States. The location of the Statue of Liberty is Liberty Island in New York City. The activities in the Northeast depends on the weather. If it was sunny outside you would want to play outside. If it was raining you would want to do activities inside. It all depends on the weather in the Northeast!


In conclusion, We hope that you liked all the paragraphs and this inspired you to learn all about the Northeast. The states the environment the wildlife the economy the attractions and things to do and finally the climate.