Why you should visit Kentucky

Kentucky is a Marvelous state.When I go there it is awesome and you will learn why it is such a marvelous state just wait until the end I will give a very awesome fact right at the ind so old on tight we are going to go to Kentucky on our jet.But before we take off i need good listening ears and that is because i have some good juicy facts for this so you better have even better listening ears for this whole entire THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should visit Kentucky because they have a bunch of different foods like the most famous Kentucky Fried Chicken but you guys might call it KFC but if you live in Kentucky it is hurting the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, and there is another very awesome food,it is just a corn dog with sprinkles and the best part is the sprinkles it might sound gross but just take the sprinkles off and save them for later and you wouldn't regret it, Here are some other famous foods. Hash Brown,Grilled Chicken,BACON,strawberries,Kentucky derby pie and Fried donuts they are delicious.

If you like fried chicken then you love Colonel (Cer-nol) Sanders.He created the best food ever and it is the awesome Kentucky fried Chicken and a little fun fact Mr.Sanders cooked at my Great grandma and Great grandpa's wedding and if you don't believe me then you are not trusting me and i would i make it up, I don't know ,and the reason why i started the sentence with Colonel Sanders is because i am talking about celebrities my people and these are famous people that are in Kentucky Billy Ray Cyrus,Johnny Depp,Jennifer Lawrence,Ariana Grande,George Clooney,Damian Lee,Charles Gaines,Guy Fieri,Abraham Lincoln,Trace Cyrus,Yeremiah Bell and Ashley Judd.

Climate is very important to this state and i would tell you a secret if you haven't been there it is the same weather as Illinois and the climate is amazing like in winter it is about 30 or 40 degrees or in the summer it about 90 or 100 degrees and the spring and the fall are very interesting because for fall it is 60 or 70 and in the spring it is 50 and 80 that is a big difference right!? But the climate thing isn't over because the Halloween that we have is warm like spring it is about 60 degrees and i don't have Halloween but my mom did cause she lived there and she loved it there and maybe so will you.

I now hope that your brain is full of knowledge because my fingers hurt from doing this because it was so fun doing this and i hope that you want to go to Kentucky now because it is a great place and I hope who ever is reading this that you agree with me if you do you are AWESOME.