The Maine Reason

Maine is a great place to live. One reason is it's perfect for swimming. Another reason is Maine has a lot of cool history. Finally, there are many fun things to do in the state of Maine.

Maine is a great place to live. One reason is because it is great for swimming. Being a

coastal state, you can imagine that in the summer the beaches are loaded. It is very convenient for the hot, hot summers when you want to cool off or in the winter when you want to go ice-skating. Maine's fifty-one lighthouses are there for each fifty-one coastal towns.

Maine is a great place to live. My next reason is it has a lot of cool history. Maine is the largest of the six New England states which include Maine, Connecticut, Delaware, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Maine is the twenty-third state (As of March 15, 1820) and is part of the Missouri compromise which allowed Maine to be a free state. Maine was part of Massachusetts until it became it's own state.

Maine is a great place to live. My final reason is there are many fun things to do. You can go swimming, boating, surfing, windsurfing, fishing, (Notice how these are all aquatic activities? Yeah, I think you get the message.) and make sand castles! Maine also has three minor sports teams which include the Red Claws basketball team, the Sea Dogs baseball team, and the Portland Pirates hockey team.

In conclusion, I think Maine is a great place to live because you can go swimming often, learn about the state history, and do fun activities. So after reading this, I hope you want to go to Maine.