Let's learn about Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is a good place to be and a great place to learn about. or many reasons. but mostly for hershey. the food in pennsylvania. and other fun facts to know.

pennsylvania or the chocolate state is usually how people know about pennsylvania. milton hershey had a great life. in 1857 he was born. in 1898 he gets married to kitty. (Not a kitty the name is kitty). and even then he made a school in his life. awesomely kind!

The food in the chocolate state has Amazing food besides chocolate. But the Pennsylvania's also like any place so They have kinds of food like we do. But But the chocolate state has great pretzels believe it or not!

Do you want to know what the capital of Pennsylvania is well you came to the right paragraph! Ok so the capital is… Harrisburg. Plus Pennsylvania’s hero Is Milton Hershey so the northeast has a great state!

So in conclusion pennsylvania is a great place to learn about. there are other things to learn about other than these to, so pennsylvania is great!