
The Weather in New York is the same the same as where I live in Illinois that means if you live in Florida you will not now well maybe same as for Alaska to hey may now to? The weather is like when it is summer it is really hot mabye a little rain here and there and when it is winter there is snow and a lot of ice the sun shines but it dose not make a difference and when it is fall it is chilly and windy and in spring it is rainy and really pretty sometimes there are tornados but if you are lucky there will be no tornados and when it is winter is is very cold it is also very icy there is a lot of snow which is good if you like to go sleding and snow borading or other snow stuff like that so if you live in Florida you will understand one of them and that one is summer and if you live in alaska you will under stand one and that one is winter so I hope you enjoyed learning about New York climate.