An Essay Of New York


New York is a great state to visit because there are a lot of great sport teams that play for all the boys in your family. For the girls to enjoy is the nice weather so that means that you guys can go shopping. For the whole family to enjoy is the amaazing attractions so I will explain to you all those fun things.

Sport Teams

I think New York is a great place to visit because of there sport teams. They have four sports that they play. Each sport that I will be telling you about two teams that New -York has in it's state. Soccer has two they are Magic and Red Bull. For Football the teams are Gaints and the Jets. For Basaball there are the Mets and the Yankees. For Basketball Nets and the Liberty. Those are the sport teams in New York.


I think New York is a great place to visit because it has a ton of amazing attractions. Some of those attractions are the statue of Liberty and the Empire state building. Here are some facts about the saute of liberty the statue of liberty has a couple nick names like the green lady is on of them another fact is that she is on a little island in new York City. Here are some facts about the Empire state building one fact is that it is the tallest buliding in the United States it was once the tallest buliding in the world but then Burj Khalifa in Dubia became the tallest buliding in the world. Those are some monuments and some facts about attractions I hope that makes you want to go to New York.


I think New York is a great place to visit because of it's climate it's climate is simple like any other climate. It is warm when it is summer cold when it is winter chillie when it

is fall rainy when it is spring. So if you live in Florida you should come to New York in winter. If you live in Alaska you should come during the summer when it is hot and really warm you will not need a coat.


In conclusion I hope that you will want to go to New York. All these things are true I love New York and You would love it to now take it from me it is the most amazing state ever!