A Time I went to Georgia

The time my family and I went to Georgia was so cool .we had lots of fun and had the best time of our lives.Georgia was one of the best experience ever.My family and I will never ever forget about Georgia.

The first thing we did when we got to Georgia is we visited Atlanta,Atlanta was so fun.When we saw Atlanta it was so beautiful.We found out that Atlanta GA was a important part in both the civil wars and the 1960s civil rights movement.The civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr was born there.The other thing we did is learn about creator of GA James Oglethorpe he was born in the 1700.We found out that Atlanta was the capitol of GA.

The second place we went at was Savannah,Savannah is the first city found in Georgia.Savannah is filled with nature.The best thing in savannah was when my sisters and I were picking flowers and splashing water on eachother.The other thing we learned about savannah is that the tempature is 750.The other thing we did is lay in the smooth grass in savannah.

The other place we went at is Dawsonville,Dawsonville is a good place to go golfing so we went and it was so cool my sisters kinda got hurt but they were okay.It is also a good place to be shopping at.The other thing you can do there is go to church there is lots of churches in Dawsonville.The awsome thing was we did all of those things.

The best place in Georgia is probaly going to be Dawsonville I had lots of fun but the other places were fun to.Thanks for hearing my trip.see you later.