Southwest Region

By: Davis, Tommy, and Mackenzie

The Southwest Region is full of History,Culture,Wildlife,Economy,Important Landmarks,and Food. History goes back to A.D 100,In the Southwest the people eat different food from different cultures,And the southwest has mountains.


The history of the Southwest Region goes back to A.D.100 when the Anasazi tribe lived in Canyon de chelly .They lived there until 1300 when they disappeared the reason is unknown still. Then the Hopi, Zuni, and Pueblo came and started living there.


The culture of the southwest is a lot of spices,peppers,and a whole lot of flavor! In the south west people actually don't even use chilli beans!Also at chili cook offs the cooks have to taste their chili before the judges!

Important Landmarks

Important landmarks in the southwest U.S are like the Montezuma castle can be found in Arizona.And the Castrate Survey Bureau have the wor

ds Utah,Colorado,Arizona,New Mexico.


Food in the Southwest U.S are. Corn, beans, salad, chachos, bunnies, birds, Fair Food, rid’s, blueberry, meat, chicken, cake, pie, steak, chips, celery, potatoes. All this stuff is in the Southwest U.s they’re more food’s in the southwest but this is some of the food in the southwest U.s.


The wildlife has lots of animals like bison,mule deer, fallow deer, black bears,brown bears,turkey,wolves,owls,big fat giant coyotes,most of them are at zoos in Arizona in petting zoos or Bearizona the animals like it hot about 75 Fahrenheit except Lizards and snakes they like it in the 35 to 40 Fahrenheit which happens in winter some times in fall oh in the picture the bear and boson are very rare to see because there at zoos watching you and wolves are very rare if you see one and it's charging at you it's a wolf if it's not it is a very fat coyote but still stay away it might have rabies!!!!!! so stay away.


So the Economy always changes for New Mexico and Texas they always trade different things every year they trade technology low health income/money they also trade with other continents like Canada,Asia,Mexico,and Europe oh yeah and they trade money for even less money what a shame a shame just sad and the banks are weird well for me ad least borrow 200 dollars give them 100 dollars well it is good for citizens but it's getting changed 2020 nooooooooooooooo but the state restricts they because the mayor and governor bribed a dude did something and that's all I know that's all.