The Incredible Journey (In Maine)

One beautiful day in Portland Maine, Joe was walking down the path to visit the Portland head light. "Dum Dee dum Dee dum." Joe was humming to himself while walking along the path to Portland. "It is a beautiful day." Joe told himself. "I will go have some famous blueberries while I'm at it." So he did. When he arrived at the lighthouse he said to the man working the light,

"Wow! This lighthouse is a lot cooler than I imagined! It looks like a white flashlight!" "Many people think that."Lighthouse guy named George replied.

Next Joe went to visit the West Quoddy Head Light. Keep in mind that this is a ten year old kid walking by himself around the big wide world. When he arrived, he tried to lick because it looked like a giant candy cane but all he tasted was the solid taste of giant structures. As he walked in to meet this lighthouse guy, but noticed that he was also George! The same conversation happened with the last lighthouse guy so Joe moved on to the next place.

As Joe rode his bike to Augusta, Maine (the state capital) he stopped to admire the Black Capped Chickadee, the state bird. By the time he arrived, the sun was setting so he took a picture of the beautiful sunset with the new digital camera he bought in Portland.

As Joe walked home, the amazing baker baked himself blueberry muffins. They were on sale too! The next day, he planned on visiting the beach but which one would he choose? Why, the... Portland beach of course! So after about a half hour at the beach, he started The Incredible Journey home and thus ended The Incredible Journey in Maine.