Why to go to Delaware

I am going to give you three reasons to go to Delaware, monuments, important people, and history.

I think you should go to Delaware because it has lots of historical places let me tell you about some, the woodlawn property. The woodlawn property is now recognized as a natural park. 1,100 square acres but only a a portion stretches across Delaware into concord township.it is also Delaware's first national park.the park was established in significant measure to protect the evidence of settlement in both Delaware and Pennsylvania.

You should also go to Delaware to remember one very important person,George Washington and his crossing of the delaware river which occurred on the night of december 1776 during the revolutionary war, the crossing was the first move in a suprise attack organized by George Washington himself against the Hessian forces in Trenton, New Jersey the morning of December 26. fun fact: washington crossed the Delaware three times.

Finally you should go to Delaware because of the amazing wonder land kids and non-boringified grown ups call snow, yep Delaware has it but like some has other mid-west states it also has summer Delaware gets all four seasons, pretty amazing if you don't live in the mid-west (or some northeast states). an example is Peoria its a state in the mid-west that gets all four seasons spring, summer, fall, and winter.